Local Services and Land Use Committee
About the committee
The Council's Local Services and Land Use Committee considers and makes recommendations on polices relating to: water supply; unincorporated and rural areas; local government; permitting and zoning, including housing issues related to permitting and zoning; county roads and bridges; levies to support county roads and bridges; emergency management; annexations; local parks and trails; salmon recovery and barriers to recovery such as culverts; water and sewer district plans; growth management, including regional planning, countywide planning policies, the Comprehensive Plan, and housing issues relating to growth management, regional planning, countywide planning and policies and the Comprehensive Plan; and resource lands, including agricultural, forestry and mineral resources.
In the areas within the committee's purview, the committee tracks state and federal legislative action and develops recommendations on policy direction for the county budget.
Attend committee meetings
The Local Services and Land Use Committee holds regular meetings on the third Wednesday of each month at 9:30 a.m. See the meeting calendar.
To help us manage the meeting, if you do not wish to be called upon for public comment, please use the Livestream or King County TV options listed below to watch or listen to the meeting if possible.
- Use Webinar ID: 840 9948 4774
- By computer, using the Zoom application at https://zoom.us/join and the webinar ID above.
- Via phone by calling 1-253-215-8782 and using the webinar ID above.
- Council Chambers, 516 3rd Avenue, Room 1001, Seattle Washington
- Watch Comcast channel 22 and 322 (HD) and Astound Broadband channels 22 and 711 (HD).
- Livestream: www.kingcounty.gov/kctv, or input the link web address into your web browser.
- Watch past committee meetings: King County meeting calendar
Public comment
Public comment should be on current agenda items only. If you would like to comment on an item not on the current agenda, you may email your Councilmember.
Send to kcccomitt@kingcounty.gov by 8 a.m. on the meeting day. Include the topic and related committee in the subject line. Comments will be forwarded to committee members and appropriate staff.
Attend meetings in Council Chambers, 516 3rd Avenue, Room 1001, Seattle Washington
Provide comment remotely by attending meetings via phone or computer using the Zoom application. See attend committee meetings remotely above. You are not required to sign up in advance to provide remote public comment.
Language services
You have the right to submit your comments using our free language access services. Contact Tera Chea, Language Access Coordinator not less than three business days prior to the committee meeting.
- Email: tera.chea2@kingcounty.gov
- Phone: 206-477-9259
Meeting materials
View the meeting agendas and calendar. Agendas are usually available before each committee meeting. Other materials post as they are available.