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Sammamish River Capital Investment Strategy

Project overview

The Sammamish River runs 13 miles between Lake Sammamish and Lake Washington. The river is a 1964 federal flood project that was called the Sammamish River Improvement Project. King County, as service provider to the King County Flood Control District, maintains the river’s flood risk reduction function, as guided by the 1964 Operations & Maintenance Manual.

Land use has changed along the Sammamish River since 1964. Regulations for river maintenance have become more complex. Projects that impact the river need special permission from both King County and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Permits are also needed from other federal, state, and local agencies

The King County Flood Control District, together with the King County as service provider, is developing the Sammamish River Capital Investment Strategy (Sammamish CIS).The Sammamish CIS will provide an updated plan for meeting federal flood risk reduction, fish habitat, and navigation requirements for the Sammamish River. This update will enable the King County Flood Control District, King County, riverfront cities, tribes, and non-profit partners to better coordinate and prioritize capital projects and maintenance activities along the river.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is partnering with the County on the Sammamish CIS. At the same time, the Corps of Engineers is updating the Operations and Maintenance Manual to address modern regulations. The CIS and Operations and Maintenance Manual update will have separate public processes.


A map showing the Sammamish River watershed, which encompasses a long vertical area from approximately the City of Issaquah in the south, to Mill Creek and Lynwood in the north. The watershed includes Lake Sammamish, Issaquah Creek, and numerous other creeks and tributaries.


The Sammamish River Improvement Project was originally designed in 1964 to protect farmland in the spring and vacation homes on Lake Sammamish. The constructed channel is straighter and deeper than it was in the past. Remnants of the historic winding channel remain visible in aerial photography.

The Operations and Maintenance Manual outlines performance standards and maintenance requirements for the Sammamish River Improvement Project. Many of the requirements of the Operations and Maintenance Manual are no longer practical, because:

Did you know?

The Sammamish River was once part of an ancient lake connecting Lake Washington and Lake Sammamish. For an interactive Sammamish River history experience visit the Sammamish River StoryMap.

View the Sammamish River StoryMap

Project goals

The goals of the Sammamish CIS are to:

  1. Develop a Capital Investment Strategy and maintenance plan that meets the flood risk reduction, fish habitat, and navigation requirements of the Operations and Maintenance Manual. Use a watershed approach to include Lake Sammamish, Bear Creek, Issaquah Creek, and Willowmoor Floodplain Restoration Project considerations. Ensure the Sammamish CIS reflects current jurisdictional boundaries and regulatory requirements.
  2.  Work with partners to determine a strategy for implementing the 2002 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sammamish River Corridor Action Plan. The 2002 plan was developed to address habitat problems related to the original project design and construction.
  3. Initiate a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers update to the Operations and Maintenance Manual that will support implementation of these projects.

Capital investment strategy schedule

CIS project planning phase
2022 to 2023
Plan development phase
2023 to 2025
District review and approval phase
Project implementation phase
2026 to 2045

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