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Photo of Cindi Port

Courtroom Number: E-863

Bailiff: Tikecha Pearson

Department: 51

Assignment: Criminal



Judge Cindi S. Port was appointed to the King County Superior Court bench by Governor Jay Inslee in April 2020. She was appointed to Department 51, the position previously occupied by Judge John Erlick.

Judge Port was born and raised in the small logging town of St. Maries, Idaho. She earned a basketball and academic scholarship to Whitworth University. Judge Port then attended Gonzaga Law School and worked part-time as a Public Defender.

Prior to joining the bench, Judge Port worked for more than 25 years as a deputy prosecuting attorney for Spokane County and King County.

During her first 15 years as a prosecutor, Judge Port handled homicide, sexual assault, domestic violence, and hate crime cases. Judge Port developed expertise in behavioral health issues and was honored with the Randy Revelle Award for Mental Health Advocacy in 2010.

During her last 10 years before joining the bench, Judge Port worked in the Civil Division of the King County Prosecutor’s Office. In this capacity, she defended King County and its employees in a wide variety of complex civil litigation and wrongful death cases. In 2015, she earned the Civil Litigator of the Year Award.

For over a decade, Judge Port volunteered with Angeline’s Day Center, which serves the needs of homeless women, and Peace for the Streets by Kids from the Streets (PSKS), which provided support for homeless and at-risk youth and young adults. Currently, Judge Port is a guest instructor and moot court competition judge at the University of Washington School of Law. She also serves on the Interpreter and Security Committees for King County Superior Court.


Prior to appearing in Judge Port's Court for hearings or trial

If you anticipate the need to use videos, PowerPoint, ELMO, or even easels, you should visit the courtroom before your hearing or trial to plan your set-up in a manner that will be most efficient and effective. Discuss your needs with the bailiff and do not assume that the court will have any particular equipment available for your use.

Court transcripts

For cases with an assigned court reporter: If prior to the hearing or trial you know that you will want a copy of the transcript, please contact the court reporter.

For digitally recorded courtrooms:If prior to the hearing or trial you know that you will want a copy of the CD, notify the courtroom clerk, who will be able to provide the information needed at the end of the hearing.  After the hearing or trial, if you determine you need a copy of the CD, it may be obtained directly from the Clerk's Office copy center. You will need to submit a completed CD Request Form.

Criminal Motions and Sentencing Hearings:

Department 51 is a paperless Court and prefers working copies submitted via eWorking Copies or to Judge’s mailroom. Please make sure Judge Port’s name and the case information is clearly marked. The Court does not accept working copies via email, absent prior authorization. Responses are required on all criminal motions and should be submitted in accordance with LCR 7(b).

Per LCrR 7.1 Presentence reports are required on all felony cases and requested on all misdemeanors. Please submit your presentence reports to the Court and file them.

Non-dispositive civil motions

Parties must comply with all the requirements of KCLR 7 and the most recent emergency orders in place because of COVID when setting motions without oral argument. All motions should be submitted with a proposed order in Word format to the Court by emailing them to the bailiff at

Copies of signed orders will be delivered to counsel or the parties electronically if email addresses have been provided to the Court. If no email address is available for an attorney or a party, please provide preaddressed, stamped envelopes to the Court for its use in sending the order by mail. Stipulations and agreed orders may be submitted to the court by emailing them to the bailiff

Dispositive civil motions and hearing requests

Dispositive motions are generally scheduled for Fridays. Requests for hearing dates with oral argument are accepted by emailing the bailiff.

Working Copies for Civil Motions

Department 51 is a paperless court and reviews materials requests receipt all working copies submitted via eWorking Copies. The Court also does not accept working copies of pleadings over email unless requested. All motions, including stipulated motions, must be noted pursuant to LCR 7(b) and filed with the clerk. Working copies should have the judge’s name and the date and time of the hearing in the upper right-hand corner of the first page of the motion. All working copies should also include a proposed order(s) in Word format; the Court will accept proposed order(s) in Word format via email with all parties copied on that email and appreciates updated versions of the proposed order that take into account all documentation filed regarding the pending motion.

Trial Procedures for Civil Cases

The court will schedule a pretrial conference with the parties a few weeks prior to your trial date. The pretrial order will provide instructions for submitting electronic exhibits to the court, and you can also find those instructions on the Clerk’s website.

Depositions are not to be marked as an exhibit since they become part of the court file. Originals should be sealed and published in open court in front of the jury, and when they are used for impeachment of testimony (the clerk opening the original that is sealed), the original deposition will be filed in the case file and not treated as an exhibit. Depositions that are not used (a.k.a. "published") are not filed and returned to counsel. Exhibits to the deposition may be marked as exhibits in evidence. Otherwise, all unattached exhibits in a deposition should be stapled or secured inside the back cover of the deposition.

Please notify the bailiff if your case settles or you need to strike a hearing.


Congratulation! Judge Port is available Monday through Friday starting at 4:30 p.m. at the downtown Seattle courthouse and weekends if requested. Please email the bailiff at or call 206-477-1623 to schedule an appointment.
