LFLR 12. Domestic Violence Protection Orders
(b) Mandatory Forms. The parties shall utilize any applicable local and state mandatory forms, including form Orders. Forms are available from the King County Clerk’s Office, the Protection Order Advocate’s Office, and kingcounty.gov/dept/dja.
(c) Return Hearing. Every Temporary Order of Protection or Order of Modification entered without notice shall set a return hearing on the family law calendar on such notice as prescribed in Chapter 7.105 RCW. At the hearing, both parties may testify and the court may consider other relevant evidence. Copies of any writings or other documentary evidence provided to the court must be provided to the other party’s attorney. If the other party is not represented, the copies should be handed to either courtroom staff or a domestic violence advocate in the courtroom with a request that they provide the copies to the other party.
[Adopted effective September 1, 2004.]