Family Law Facilitators
Family Law Facilitators can review your completed forms but cannot fill them out for you.
Facilitators provide information about family law court procedures and instructions for filling out the family law paperwork listed below:
Divorce or legal separation
Family law motions
Child support modifications
Establishing a parenting plan
Minor guardianship
Adult guardianship
Temporary orders
Enforcing court orders (contempt)
Parenting plan modifications
Child support adjustment
Restraining orders
Facilitators cannot:
- Help with other types of legal matters outside of these Family Court actions.
- Provide legal advice.
- Help you if you already have a lawyer.
***Both locations of the Family Law information Center (Kent and Seattle) will be closed from Wednesday, February 26, 2025, through Friday, March 7, 2025 to facilitate the transition to our new office space and hours. We appreciate your patience as we make this move to better serve you.***
Starting March 10, 2025, you MUST come to the walk-in window at either location for assistance. Facilitators do not answer questions by phone or email.
Family Law Help Desk (Walk-up Windows)
Facilitators at our help desk can answer your questions about family court procedures, give you instruction packets and/or the forms you need, or briefly review your completed paperwork before you file it with the clerk’s office.
Walk-in customers are seen on a first-come, first-served basis from 9:00 am to noon Monday through Friday at the following locations:
Maleng Regional Justice Center (MRJC) in Kent - 401 Fourth Avenue North, Kent, WA 98032:
Help desk located at 1D (near the elevators on the First Floor).
King County Courthouse in Seattle - 516 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104:
Help desk located at W-280 (same hallway as Family Law Courtrooms on the Second Floor)
Facilitator Appointments
The Family Law Information Center (walk-up windows) are our main source for helping the public. Facilitators will not answer questions or give information by phone or email. We offer scheduled appointments for specific types of matters only and you must show proof that you have attended the Family Law Orientation before you will be scheduled for an appointment.
Prepare to meet with a Facilitator:
We can:
- Review paperwork you have completed or mostly completed.
- Identify and help locate state or local forms to use in Family Law or Guardianship cases.
- Explain the steps (procedures) you must complete to respond to court pleadings or notice of a court hearing filed by the other party.
- Provide instruction and review for how to prepare for an upcoming Family Law trial if you schedule your appointment after your pre-trial conference and have a case schedule order available for review.
- Compute child support calculations.
We cannot:
- Fill out forms for you.
- Tell you what to write in your forms or declarations.
- Represent a party in court.
- Assist attorneys or anyone who is represented by an attorney.
- Give legal advice.
Walk-up window & In-person appointments
You must complete your forms to the best of your ability and bring them with you to meet with the facilitator. Facilitators cannot fill out your forms for you.Virtual appointments
You must provide copies of your paperwork to the facilitators by email at least 7 days before your appointment. If you do not provide your documents in advance, we may need to reschedule your appointment. Please send whole documents in PDF or Word format. Links or pictures are not accepted.Appointment Scheduling
You must provide proof that you have watched the Family Law Orientation (FLO) required by LFLR 20 BEFORE you can be scheduled for an appointment. You can sign up for the FLO here: Family Law Orientation - King County, Washington
Only the listed types of matters qualify for an in-person appointment. If you want something that is not listed, you must come to the walk-in windows.
If both parties are self-represented and you want to end your case by agreement, or if the other party has not responded and you want to finish your case by default, you may come to our walk-in hours to have your documents reviewed, you may email your COMPLETED proposed final documents to, or you may drop off your completed proposed final documents at the Judge's mailroom (C-203 in Seattle or 2D in Kent).
Note: proposed final orders are different from the documents you filed to start your case. See the Instruction Packet for the type of case you have filed for details on what final documents are required. If your documents are not complete, or if they contain errors, you will be asked to resubmit.
Appointments are only available for assistance with:
- Ending your divorce or parenting plan (paternity already determined) case by agreement or default
- Starting a Minor Guardianship
- Completing Annual Reports in an Adult Guardianship
- Trial Preparation
- Any matter for which an interpreter is required
You must complete all of your paperwork before the Facilitator can assist you. If submitting agreed final orders, unless the Respondent waived notice or you are finalizing by default, both parties must sign all final documents.
Note when finalizing by default:
If you are finalizing by default, you must file the proof of service documents into your court file. If the Respondent has not had the appropriate amount of time to respond since being served, you will not be able to finalize your case.
Divorce cases
There is a 90-day waiting period to finalize your case. The 90-day period starts on the date of service/joinder, or date of filing (whichever is later). You must sign a Declaration in Lieu of Formal Proof form when submitting agreed final divorce documents. If you and the other party agree on everything the facilitators can present your proposed final documents after the 91st day.
Cases involving children
You must complete and sign all of the following: parenting plan, child support order, and child support worksheet. Both parties must also attend and complete the "What about the Children" parenting seminar. The court will not sign your final orders without the class being completed.