How to schedule a Family Law motion
How to use the Family Law Motions Calendar
Pick a hearing date and time
There are a limited number of hearings heard each day.
Multiple types of motions
When scheduling hearings for more than 1 motion, you will need to make a separate reservation for each type of motion you are requesting a hearing for. For example, for an adequate cause hearing and temporary orders hearing, you need to make a separate reservation for each motion on the same day.
If you can't find a match
If no reservations match what is listed on the Notice of court date, your hearing may not go forward or only 1 motion may be heard. Additionally, if you are attempting to make a reservation and the option does not appear for the type of motion you are setting, that indicates there is not enough room on the calendar for that type of motion to be heard that day and you will need to move to the next available day. If you pick something that doesn't match your Notice of court date that is filed, your hearing will be stricken.
In rare, emergent situations, you may file a Motion to Overset the Calendar. But an overset is not guaranteed.
Choose the correct calendar
Double-check the calendar you are scheduling your motion on.
There are court calendars specifically for motion types including:
- Neither party has legal representation.
- At least one party has an attorney.
- Trial by Affidavit (TBA) motions, where written sworn testimony is presented to the Judge depicting your side of the story. These are not heard in Family Law and need to be noted with the Judge.
- Reconsiderations of past motions.
You will need your case number, contact information, and information for the other party to complete the reservation.
Click to schedule a Family Law hearing:
File your documents
Notice of Court Date, Motion, and Declarations
Once you have reserved your spot on the calendar, you will receive a King County Notice of Court Date to file. You must file this notice yourself. The system will not file it for you. You can also download the form on our Superior Court forms webpage. Do not use the "Notice of Hearing" from the State Court Forms website.
The notice of court date generated by the system is a courtesy. You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of that document when it is filed. You must file this Notice of Court Date, your motion (even if you have a Show Cause Order,) Declarations, and all other supporting documentation within 3 court days of your reservation. The other party must be served (document officially delivered) at least 14 days calendar days prior to the hearing date.
If you make a reservation but fail to file the motion, all supporting documents, and notice of court date within 3 days, your reservation may be stricken.
Only reserve a hearing date when you intend to move forward with your motion. If the court determines that you are reserving space on the calendar in bad faith, you may be subject to sanctions.
Proposed Orders
For all motions, you must submit proposed orders online through the Clerk's Office eFiling System before your hearing.
If you are the moving party (the person asking for the motion), submit your proposed order at least 14 calendar days prior to the hearing. If you are the responding party (the person responding to the motion), the proposed order is due 5 court days prior to the hearing. If you cannot file electronically and you are the pro se party (no attorney) you may submit your proposed order to the judge's mailbox at your assigned courthouse:
Kent: Room 2D
Seattle: Room C203
Mark your submission "Attention Family Law. Hearing (date of your hearing)".
Cancelling your reservation
If you no longer need a reservation, email (for Kent) or (for Seattle) with a request to strike it.
Confirm your hearing/submission list
You must e-file or deliver in person all documents needed to the Clerk's Office.
To confirm your hearing, you must file a Working Papers Submission List. This list confirms you want your hearing to move forward. It also lets the Commissioner know what to read before the hearing. If your hearing is continued for any reason, you will need to submit a new working papers submission list, even if there is no change to the information.
This document should list all documents the court will consider. At a minimum, it must list your motion and Notice of Court Date.
The responding party has until noon 5 court days before the hearing to file their Respondent documents and their working paper submission list. The moving party (the person asking for the motion), must submit their replay and their working paper submission list by noon 3 court days before the hearing. We highly encourage submitting it online to avoid processing delays.
If you file multiple motions for 1 case to be heard on the same date, and have reserved a spot for each motion, you may file one submission list for all properly reserved motions.