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King County Agriculture Program

King County is a productive agricultural region with dairies, livestock operations, row crops, flowers, and berry fields. The King County Agriculture Program strives to preserve agricultural soils, support farmers and consumers, and protect natural resources.

King County has the 4th largest farmer population in Washington State. King County's 2,000 individual farms produce approximately $150 million in product sales annually. Those farms provide fresh, culturally relevant food to a diverse system of farmers markets and farm stands, local restaurants and grocery stores, and a strong Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) network. One of the priorities of the Agriculture Program is to improve farmland access opportunities for traditionally underserved farmers, which includes managing a network of farms that we lease to beginning farmers.


Livestock Program

King County Agriculture Commission 

Farmland Preservation Program 

Current Use Taxation

Fish Farm Flood

Farmland Access (to be developed)

Services for Farmland Owners (to be developed)

Farmers Markets (to be developed)

Farmers Market Managers Resources (to be developed)

Related links

Census of Agriculture

USDA coordinated survey of all commercial farms in the US, with data provided for each county. The census is conducted every 5 years and looks at land use, ownership, producer characteristics, production practices, income, and expenditures.

Farm King County

A one-stop resources for information and assistance for your farm operation

King Conservation District

King Conservation District is a nonregulatory, special purpose district, with a mission to promote the sustainable use of natural resources through voluntary stewardship.

Local Food Initiative

The Executive’s Local Food Initiative aims to build a stronger farm-to-plate pipeline by setting targets and taking bold steps.

Washington State University Extension, Agriculture and Natural Resources Program Unit

WSU E actively engages with agricultural and natural resource stakeholders and industries, as well as the general public, to extend research-based information and conduct locally relevant applied research in the fields of agriculture and natural resource sciences.
