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February 27, 2025

Measles case associated with international travel in a King County resident

Actions requested

  • Awareness

    Be aware of a confirmed measles case in an infant who traveled internationally.

    • Secondary cases would be expected to occur February 27, 2025 – March 18, 2025. 
  • Isolate

    • Have a planned triage process for patients with fever and rash so these patients are not waiting in common areas with other people. 
    • Patients with rash and fever should not stay in waiting rooms or other common areas. 
    • Immediately isolate patients with suspected measles in an airborne infection isolation room (AIIR) or a private room with a closed door. 
    • Follow standard and airborne precautions when evaluating suspected cases, regardless of vaccination status.
    • After patient is discharged, do not use or have staff enter the room for 2 hours. 
  • Notify

    • Report suspected measles cases to Public Health at 206-296-4774 immediately AND before discharging or transferring patients.
    • Public Health will ensure appropriate, rapid testing and investigation.
  • Test

    • Collect the following specimens on patients with suspected measles:
      • Nasopharyngeal swab placed in viral transport media; AND
      • Urine, minimum 20mL, in sterile leak proof container; AND
      • Serum, minimum 1mL, in red top or red-grey top tube
    • Public Health will facilitate diagnostic testing with Washington State Public Health Laboratory (WAPHL).
  • Manage

    • Health care facilities should identify potentially exposed persons at the facility (patients, visitors, staff, and volunteers). 
    • Public Health will identify close contacts and recommend post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for eligible people.
  • Vaccinate


Public Health is investigating a case of measles in an infant with exposure during international travel.

The infant with measles was at the following locations during their infectious period before receiving the diagnosis of measles (the time for exposure includes the period when the infant was at the locations listed below and two hours after):

Date Time Location
2/20/25 6 pm - 9 pm Apple Store at Bellevue Square
213 Bellevue Square, Bellevue, WA 98004
2/21/25 - 2/22/25 10:30 pm - 2:15 am Seattle Children’s Hospital Emergency Department
4800 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105
2/24/25 1 pm - 4:15 pm Allegro Pediatrics – Bothell
11724 NE 195th St, Ste 100, Bothell, WA 98011
2/25/25 1 pm - 4 pm Northwest Asthma & Allergy Center
8301 161st Ave NE, Ste 308, Redmond, WA 98052
2/25/25 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm Seattle Children’s Hospital Emergency Department
4800 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105

There is no ongoing risk for measles exposure at these locations.

Measles illness starts with a prodrome of fever, cough, coryza, and conjunctivitis (typically lasting 2-4 days) and then a generalized maculopapular rash that typically begins on the face/head then spreads to the neck, trunk and extremities. Increases in measles cases and outbreaks are occurring in every region of the world.

CDC recommends all U.S. residents aged 6 months and older without evidence of immunity, who plan to travel internationally, get the MMR vaccine at least 2 weeks prior to departure. Infants 6 to 11 months of age who get the MMR vaccine before international travel should get an additional 2 doses of MMR according to the recommended schedule, after 1 year of age.
