Judge Paul M. Crisalli - Superior Court

- Courtroom Number: 3A
- Bailiff: Morgan Mills
- Department: 41
- Assignment: General trials
Judge Paul M. Crisalli was sworn in as a superior court judge in 2023. He initiated his legal education while as an undergraduate at Willamette University, when he externed for three years for Justice Paul J. De Muniz of the Oregon Supreme Court. After obtaining his bachelors’ degree cum laude in Politics and Economics, Crisalli attended the University of Oregon School of Law. During law school, he clerked for the Oregon Department of Justice, working first in the Trial Division and then in the Appellate Division, arguing several times before the Oregon Court of Appeals, and assisting on briefs to the Oregon trial and appellate courts, as well as the federal courts.
After graduation, Judge Crisalli clerked for Justice Mary E. Fairhurst of the Washington State Supreme Court. He worked in private practice with his in-laws, handling real estate and trust and estate matters, and a boutique firm working on appellate matters. He also clerked for Judge Joel Penoyar of Division II of the Court of Appeals, as well as Commissioners Eric Schmidt and Aurora Bearse.
Judge Crisalli then worked for the Attorney General’s Office, starting in the Labor and Industries’ Division, handling workers’ compensation appeals, complex worker safety matters, and appellate matters. In 2018, he moved to the Complex Litigation Division, including serving as the division’s appellate advisor and co-chair of the AGO’s Ethics Committee.
He chaired the King County Bar Association (KCBA) Appellate Section and was both a Trustee and Secretary on the Executive Committee of the KCBA. Judge Crisalli has served on and chaired the Washington State Bar Association (WSBA) Judicial Recommendations Committee as well as the WSBA Court Rules and Procedures Committee.
Judge Crisalli lives in Seattle and enjoys spending time with his wife and two daughters. His free time is spent improving (or improvising) recipes and enjoying outdoor activities in the Pacific Northwest.
Civil Cases—Guidance for Parties
Witness Time Estimate Form
Electronic Filing and Service by Attorneys
Counsel should review LGR 30, which requires e-filing of most documents and requires attorneys to “promptly register to accept e-service via the Clerk’s eFiling application” unless a waiver is obtained. Unrepresented parties have the option of utilizing these services. Judge Crisalli e-files orders regularly.
Electronic Working Copies
Judge Crisalli prefers to receive electronic working copies submitted to the Clerk using the Clerk’s e-Filing Application pursuant to LCR 7(b)(4)(F)(i). Please note: if your pleadings refer to materials which were previously filed within the court record, please reference the pleading by both the document title and submission number (eg: Declaration of Bob Jones, Sub. 5) within the court docket. If a party’s submission exceeds the 500-page limit, you may request prior permission from Judge Crisalli’s bailiff to deliver the working copies in PDF format, either on disk or thumb drive (and delivered to the Judge’s Mailroom). Prior permission should be requested by sending an email to crisalli.court@kingcounty.gov. Please do not email any working copies directly to the Court or to his bailiff without prior permission. Please put in the upper right corner of the working copies the note date of consideration or hearing, Judge Crisalli’s name, and by whom the documents are being presented (“moving party,” “opposing party,” or other descriptive or identifying term).
Requests for Oral Argument on Non-Dispositive Motions
If you wish to have oral argument on a non-dispositive motion, please note the motion without oral argument and note "ORAL ARGUMENT REQUESTED" on the first page of your motion or opposition. Judge Crisalli will consider the request when he reviews the motion on the date noted for hearing without oral argument. If the Court decides to allow oral argument, the bailiff will contact all parties to schedule a date and time for oral argument on the motion. If the Court declines to set oral argument, you will receive a courtesy copy of any order that is entered. If you are a new attorney and would like practice with oral argument on a motion which normally does not require it, please feel free to email the bailiff to request oral argument and Judge Crisalli will consider the request.
Dispositive Motions and Hearing Requests
Dispositive motions are typically heard on Fridays. Requests for hearing dates are accepted by emailing the bailiff at crisalli.court@kingcounty.gov. Judge Crisalli requires that you check your dates first with opposing counsel before scheduling any hearing to make sure that the date works for all counsel. Doing so reduces the need to reschedule hearings due to conflicts. Parties should contact the Court as soon as possible, as timeslots are limited and generally fill at least a couple months in advance. If multiple parties are requesting a dispositive motion to be heard, it is this Court’s practice to hold them on the same date, in the interest of judicial economy.
Any email request for a dispositive motion hearing must include the following:
- Case name and cause number;
- Nature of the motion(s) to be heard; and
- A preferred date range.
Unless otherwise directed by Judge Crisalli, oral arguments on any civil motion are limited to 10 minutes per party.
Judge Crisalli may consider providing additional time on hearings involving multi-party cases or complex litigation. If you are requesting additional time, please advise the bailiff of your basis for the request when scheduling.
Compliance with LCR 7(b)(5)(B)(vii) Consecutive Page Numbering for Attachments is Required
Attachments or exhibits in excess of 25 pages, including attachments to motions, oppositions, replies, briefs, declarations, and affidavits, shall be numbered consecutively on the bottom center or right-hand corner of each document. This aids the court and the parties in navigating through the voluminous document. The number shall not restart for each attachment but shall run consecutively through all the attachments to the document. You must cite to these page numbers in all motions, oppositions, replies, and briefs. A party may include other citation information, such as exhibit numbers, corresponding exhibit pages or paragraph numbers, in addition to the consecutive page cite. Failure to follow this rule can result in the Court delaying your hearing or matter until all parties have complied.
A party may utilize hyperlinks in briefs if they determine it will assist the court.
Family Law Resources
For parties navigating a dissolution, please refer to the Family Court page for more information and resources. For parties without an attorney, please review the services provided through the Family Law Facilitators - King County. They are a wonderful resource to answer questions on how to navigate through your case to resolution.
Settled Cases and to Strike a Motion
Please email the bailiff immediately if a case settles or if you wish to strike a motion you have filed from the court’s calendar. Trial courts are not notified when a case otherwise resolves through the ex parte department, or when a Notice of Settlement is filed within the Court record. If you are striking a motion, please file a notice striking your hearing as soon as possible.
Court involvement in discovery
In complex cases or when it appears the parties are not working well in discovery on their own, the Court may order the parties to participate in a pretrial conference.
In all discovery matters lawyers should abide by their obligations to reasonably cooperate with one another, as expressed in the Rules of Professional Conduct. They should follow a Golden Rule of discovery: Seek discovery only of what you would consider reasonable if you were on the other side, and answer discovery as reasonably as you would expect it to be answered if you had promulgated it. Discovery should be reasonable, cooperative, and reciprocal; it should not resemble battle in any respect. Zealous advocacy should make use of the fruits of discovery; it should not be employed to seek unreasonable discovery or to avoid reasonable discovery.
If a discovery dispute arises that requires immediate resolution rather than the ordinary motions practice, please email the Court at crisalli.court@kingcounty.gov. The email should—as succinctly and non-argumentatively as possible—describe the nature of the dispute and the positions of the parties. You must copy all parties on any email to the Court. The Court will try to address the issue during breaks in trial or other hearings occurring, but the scheduled matters will be given priority over such discovery disputes.
Court transcripts
Cases with an assigned court reporter
If prior to the hearing or trial you know that you will want a copy of the transcript, please contact the court reporter
Digitally recorded courtrooms
If prior to the hearing or trial you know that you will want a copy of the CD, notify the courtroom clerk, who will be able to provide the information needed at the end of the hearing. After the hearing or trial, if you determine you need a copy of the CD, it may be obtained directly from the Clerk's Office copy center. You will need to submit a completed CD Request Form (40KB).
The court proceedings in Department 41 are recorded by FTR Gold equipment, which digitally records all proceedings. To request a copy of a recording, submit a completed CD Request Form to the Clerk’s Office.
Deposition designations
Please follow these guidelines when designating deposition testimony for use at trial. The parties must cooperate to provide one set of deposition designations. It is generally easiest to make the designations and objections electronically on a PDF. Moving Party marks their designations with brackets / highlights in a particular color (e.g., yellow). Opposing Party notes their objections in text of a particular color (e.g., blue) on the page next to the highlighted portion to which they are objecting, referencing a rule or using a code for which a coding convention is provided. Opposing Party marks their counter-designations with brackets / highlights in a different color from that used by the moving party (e.g., green). Moving Party notes their objections in text of a different color (e.g., black) on the page next to the highlighted portion of the counter-designation to which they are objecting, referencing a rule or using a code for which a coding convention is provided. Provide the marked depositions via email as PDFs to the bailiff as early as possible (preferably at least three days before trial begins), and well in advance of intended use.
Speaking Engagements:
Are you a student, lawyer, or member of our community who would like to visit the court? Would you like Judge Crisalli to speak with your students, your organization, or your group? Judge Crisalli is happy to meet with you. Please email him for more information at crisalli.court@kingcounty.gov.
Judge Crisalli is available by appointment:
1. Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays at the courthouse (8:00 am or 4:30 pm)
2. Weekends/holidays/other locations depending on schedule.
Please contact his bailiff, Morgan Mills, at 206-477-1573 or crisalli.court@kingcounty.gov for details and scheduling.