Photo gallery – 2014
View photos from Councilmember von Reichbauer’s events.
Good Eggs Breakfast Meeting January 15, 2014
On January 15, 2014 I attended the Good Eggs Breakfast Meeting where King County Chief Economist Dr. Dave Reich briefed South King County community leaders on the 2014 economic projections for our region.
(Left to right: Auburn Mayor Nancy Backus, King County Chief Economist Dr. Dave Reich, PhD., and Green River Community College President Dr. Eileen Ely, PhD.)
"Key to the City"
On January 22, 2014 Mayor Ferrell presented me with Federal Way's first ever "Key to the City" in recognition of my longtime service on behalf of South King County.
Supporting the Seahawks
On January 27, 2014 The Metropolitan King County Council and King County Executive Dow Constantine joined Seattle Seahawks fans in showing our support for the Hawks as they prepared for Super Bowl XLVIII in New Jersey.
Meeting with Seattle Children's Hospital CEO
On March 19, 2014 the new Seattle Children's Hospital CEO Dr. Tom Hansen spoke to South County leaders meeting.
Brookdale Community Center Meeting
On March 25, 2014 Federal Way pioneer Wendal Kuecker, Federal Way Mayor Jim Ferrell and I met at the Brookdale Community Center to discuss the historical site where much of Federal Way's history began.
(Left to right: Wendal Kuecker and Federal Way Mayor Jim Ferrell.)
Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce Luncheon
On April 16, 2014 I sponsored the monthly Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce luncheon and brought two guest speakers, Senator Joe Fain and Representative Pat Sullivan. They offered updates on the recently concluded legislative session and answered questions.
(Left to right: State Senator Joe Fain, Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce CEO Nancy Wyatt, and Rep. Pat Sullivan.)
Consul General of the Republic of Korea Reception
On April 18, 2014 I hosted a reception for Moon Duk-ho, the newly-installed Consul General of the Republic of Korea.

(Left to right: Federal Way Deputy Mayor Jeanne Burbidge, Federal Way Police Chief Andy Hwang, Consul General Moon Duk-ho, and Federal Way Mayor Jim Ferrell.)
"Breakfast for Kids" Federal Way and Auburn Boys and Girls Club and EX3 Teen Center Fundraiser
On April 23, 2014 The Federal Way and Auburn Boys and Girls Club and EX3 Teen Center held their annual "Breakfast for Kids" fundraiser at Emerald Downs, raising nearly $70,000 for South King County programs with Seattle mariners Manager Lloyd McClendon as the featured special guest speaker.
Seattle Mariners Manager Lloyd McClendon, Auburn High School head baseball coach Justin Mentink, and players.
Seattle Mariners Manager Lloyd McClendon, Federal Way High School baseball coaches Danny Graham and Joe Haworth, and players.
Seattle Mariners Manager Lloyd McClendon, Todd Beamer High School Athletic Director Jerry Peterson, and players.
Seattle Mariners Manager Lloyd McClendon, Thomas Jefferson High School head baseball coach Joseph Townsend and players.
Good Eggs Breakfast Meeting May 7, 2014
On May 7, 2014 Bellevue civic leader, real estate developer, and former state representative Kemper Freeman spoke to King County leaders and shared his insights on how Bellevue has been able to transition form a sprawling suburb full of strip malls to a vibrant, world-class city.
(Left to right: Federal Way Deputy Mayor Jeanne Burbidge, Kemper Freeman, Federal Way Councilmember Kelly Maloney and Federal Way Mayor Jim Ferrell.)
Washington DC Visit
While visiting Washington DC on May 12, 2014 I discussed our nation's natural resources and national park system with Interior Secretary Sally Jewell and U.S. Representative Adam Smith.

(Left to right: with Interior Secretary Sally Jewell and U.S. Representative Adam Smith.)
King County Council Honors Korean Consul General Moon Duk-Ho
On May 19, 2014 Korean Consul General Moon Duk-Ho was honored by Metropolitan King County Council and received a certificate of recognition.
Members of the King County Council and Korean Consul General Moon Duk-ho.
Helping to Restore West Hylebos Wetlands Park
On June 10, 2014 I joined EarthCorps, Friends of the Hylebos, and community volunteers to help restore West Hylebos Wetlands Park as part of National Trails Day.
Fusion Decor Boutique Grand Opening
On June 14, 2014 I attended the Grand Opening of the new Fusion Decor Boutique in Federal Way, which helps families in need in our South King County communities.
Government Accountability and Oversight Committee Meeting
On July 8, 2014 I chaired the Government Accountability and Oversight (GAO) Committee meeting at the King County International Airport (KCIA), and the committee took a tour of the flight line and hangars; discussed security measures, and recieved a briefing on the substantial positive economic impact KCIA has on our region.
The Lions Club Glasses Donation
On September 2, 2014 I facilitated the donation of more than 2,500 unclaimed prescription glasses left behind on Metro buses in South King County to The Lions Club of Auburn to help families in need.