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2024 King County Comprehensive Plan

Learn more about the County Council's review of the 2024 Comprehensive Plan.

About the Comprehensive Plan

The plan is the guiding policy document for land use and development in unincorporated King County. It ensures compliance with the goals and requirements of the Growth Management Act. It also lets the County make policy adjustments that address changes in the community's growth and long-term needs.

The Comprehensive Plan covers regional services such as transit, sewers, parks, trails, and open space.

The plan also addresses the following services:

  • Where homes, offices, or stores can be built.
  • How roads, buildings, and trees contribute to the look and feel of neighborhoods.
  • Protection of working farms and forests.
  • Access to clean water, clean air, and a healthy environment.

Plan updates

King County Code (K.C.C. 20.18.030) allows for annual, midpoint, and 10-year updates to the Comprehensive Plan. The midpoint and 10-year updates consider broader policy changes and revisions to the Urban Growth Area.

Here's what the updates cover:

  • Annual update: Permits limited changes, technical corrections, adoption of subarea plans, and adoption of land use changes that do not amend the Urban Growth Area.
  • Midpoint update: An optional revision authorized for the fifth year of the 10-year cycle. It's limited to what's included in the motion describing the scope of work.
  • Ten-year update: A complete plan review and update, as mandated by Growth Management Act requirements.

Council amendments

Committee Recommended Version of the 2024 King County Comprehensive Plan

The engrossed version of the Committee’s recommendation to the full Council, showing all the amendments, is available here:

Proposed Ordinance 2024-0440 Version 2

Attachment A – 2024 King County Comprehensive Plan

Attachment B – Appendix A, Capital Facilities and Utilities

Attachment C – Appendix B, Housing Needs Assessment

Attachment D – Appendix C, Transportation

Attachment E – Appendix C1, Transportation Needs Report

Attachment F – Appendix C2, Regional Trails Needs Report

Attachment G – Appendix D1, Growth Targets and the Urban Growth Area

Attachment H – Amendments to Vashon-Maury Island Community Service Area Subarea Plan, As Amended

Attachment I – Land Use and Zoning Map Amendments

Attachment J – Snoqualmie Valley / Northeast King County Subarea Plan

Proposed Ordinance 2024-0438 Version 2

Attachment A – Amendments to King County Countywide Planning Policies, as adopted by Ordinance 19660

Committee Amendments as of June 5, 2024

On June 5, 2025, the Council’s Local Services and Land Use Committee took action on the 2024 Comprehensive Plan and updates to the Countywide Planning Policies. The Committee voted on proposed amendments to both pieces of legislation. The Committee then voted to move the legislation, as amended, with a ”Do Pass“ recommendation to the full Council.

Pass/Fail summary of Amendments for 2024 King County Comprehensive Plan 

Line Amendments to Striking Amendment S1 to the 2024 King County Comprehensive Plan (Proposed Ordinance 2023-0440)

Line Amendment Package Updated June 4, 2024

Amendment 15A – Transportation

Striking Amendment to 2024 King County Comprehensive Plan
(Proposed Ordinance 2023-0440)

Striking Amendment S1 to Proposed Ordinance 2024-0440

Summary of changes in Striking Amendment S1 Updated May 31, 2024 

Redline version of Striking Amendment S1 

Attachment A – 2024 King County Comprehensive Plan

Redline version of Attachment A 

Attachment B – Appendix A, Capital Facilities and Utilities

Redline version of Attachment B 

Attachment C – Appendix B, Housing Needs Assessment

Redline version of Attachment C 

Attachment D – Appendix C, Transportation

Redline version of Attachment D 

Attachment E – Appendix C1, Transportation Needs Report

Redline version of Attachment E 

Attachment F – Appendix C2, Regional Trails Needs Report

Redline version of Attachment F 

Attachment G – Appendix D1, Growth Targets and the Urban Growth Area

Redline version of Attachment G 

Attachment H – Amendments to Vashon-Maury Island Community Service Area Subarea Plan, As Amended

Redline version of Attachment H 

Attachment I – Land Use and Zoning Map Amendments

Redline version of Attachment I 

Attachment J – Snoqualmie Valley / Northeast King County Subarea Plan

Redline version of Attachment J

Title Amendment T1

Area Zoning and Land Use Study for Green Energy Overlay

NOTE:  Proposed Ordinance 2023-0439, which would adopt the Snoqualmie Valley / Northeast King County Subarea Plan, has been folded into Proposed Ordinance 2023-0440.  The subarea plan is now found in Attachment J to Proposed Ordinance 2023-0440.

Striking Amendment to Countywide Planning Policies Amendment
(Proposed Ordinance 2023-0438)

Striking Amendment S1 to Proposed Ordinance 2024-0438

Redline version of Striking Amendment S1

Attachment A – Amendments to King County Countywide Planning Policies, as adopted by Ordinance 19660

Redline version of Attachment A

Amendment 1 to Striking Amendment S1

Executive proposed plan

On December 7, 2023, the County Executive transmitted to the County Council the 2024 Comprehensive Plan, including the Snoqualmie Valley/Northeast King County Subarea Plan.

The transmitted materials are available for review here:

Proposed Ordinance 2023-0438 – Countywide Planning Policy Update

Proposed Ordinance

Attachment A – GMPC Motion 23-4 Relating to the Four-to-One Program

Supporting materials for PO 2023-0438

Transmittal Letter

Fiscal Note

On March 1, 2024, the County Executive transmitted to the County Council a package of supplemental policies, code changes, and supporting material regarding Critical Areas regulations (otherwise known as the CAO).

Executive Recommended 2024 Critical Areas Update

Critical Areas King County Code Updates

Critical Areas Comprehensive Plan Updates

Supporting materials

Transmittal Letter 

Best Available Science Review and Updates to Critical Areas Protection 

Supplemental I-207 Analysis – Critical Areas Update 


Public notices  

Public notices will be posted here as they are made available.

Draft Environmental Impact Statement

The King County Executive has issued a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the 2024 Update. 

Draft Environmental Impact Statement

The public comment period on the DEIS closed on January 31, 2024.

Council review schedule 

The Local Services and Land Use Committee will review the 2024 Comprehensive Plan.

The schedule for Council’s review is available here.


Council Review Process - Executive Development, Council Review, Evening Meetings, Committee Recommendation, (you are here) Council Adoption.

Review materials

Materials for the Council's Comprehensive Plan review are posted here when they are available.

January 17, 2024: Local Services and Land Use Committee Meeting

Meeting Agenda

Staff Report

Additional Materials

January 18, 2024: Special Local Services and Land Use Committee Meeting

Meeting Agenda

Staff Report

Additional Materials

February 7, 2024: Special Local Services and Land Use Committee Meeting

Meeting Agenda

Staff Report

Additional Materials

February 8, 2024: Local Services and Land Use Committee Meeting

Meeting Agenda

Staff Report

Additional Materials

February 21, 2024: Local Services and Land Use Committee Meeting

Meeting Agenda

Staff Report

Additional Materials

March 6, 2024: Joint Local Services and Land Use Committee and Health and Human Services Meeting

Meeting Agenda

Staff Report

Additional Materials

March 7, 2024: Special Local Services and Land Use Committee

Meeting Agenda

Staff Report

Additional Materials

March 20, 2024: Local Services and Land Use Committee Meeting

Meeting Agenda

Staff Report

April 3, 2024: Local Services and Land Use Committee Meeting

Meeting Agenda

Saff Report

April 4, 2024: Special Local Services and Land Use Committee

Meeting Agenda

Staff Report

Additional Materials

April 17, 2024: Special Local Services and Land Use Committee

Meeting Agenda

Staff Report

May 15, 2024: Local Services and Land Use Committee Meeting

Meeting Agenda

Saff Report

Additional Materials

May 16, 2024: Special Local Services and Land Use Committee

Meeting Agenda

Staff Report

Additional Materials

June 5, 2024: Local Services and Land Use Committee Meeting

Meeting Agenda

Staff Report

Additional Materials

September 24, 2024: Committee of the Whole Meeting

Meeting Agenda

Staff Report

Public Comments received through September 9, 2024

Summary of Public Comments

Copies of Public Comments

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