Extreme Risk Protection Order
Chapter 7.105 RCW
Petitions for Extreme Risk Protection Orders can be filed to stop someone from having firearms. This may be applicable if they are at extreme risk of harming themselves or others. These orders can be requested by an intimate partner, family member, household member or a law enforcement agency.
Extreme Risk Protection Orders do not include restraints to stay away from certain people or places, or to avoid contact.
If you need information for a protection order involving domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, harassment, or to protect a vulnerable adult, visit the Civil Protection Order website. An order to surrender weapons can be requested with any of these civil protection order types.
Not sure which protection order is right for you? This resource from the Protection Order Advocacy Program of the Prosecuting Attorney's Office may help.
Required Documents for an Extreme Risk Protection Order
The documents below are required when filing an Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO).
If the Respondent is 18 years or older:
1. Petition for an Extreme Risk Protection Order
Optional: Firearm Identification Worksheet
2. Law Enforcement and Confidential Information Sheet - Extreme Risk Protection Order (LECIF)
3. Case Information Cover Sheet (CICS)
4. Temporary Extreme Risk Protection Order - Without Notice
5. Proof of Service - Extreme Risk
If the Respondent is under 18 years:
1. Petition for an Extreme Risk Protection Order - Respondent Under 18 Years
Optional: Firearm Identification Worksheet
2. Law Enforcement and Confidential Information Sheet - Extreme Risk Protection Order (LECIF)
3. Case Information Cover Sheet (CICS)
4. Temporary Extreme Risk Protection Order - Without Notice - Respondent Under 18 Years
Extreme Risk Protection Order Forms
For other forms not listed on this page, please visit the Washington State Courts web site at https://www.courts.wa.gov/forms/.