Projects - environment, ecology and conservation

Habitat restoration projects
Chemicals of emerging concern in salmon streams
Overview of a project to identify and measure chemicals of emerging concern (CECs) in salmon streams with critical spawning and rearing habitat.
Fall City Floodplain Restoration Project
Snoqualmie River project to open up off-channel habitat for endangered salmon and trout species and restore natural processes while improving protection from floods and erosion.
Lower Miller River Floodplain Restoration Project
Restoration actions in the lower mile of the Miller River near Skykomish, WA to improve habitat for threatened salmon species and reduce flood risks.
NE Auburn Creek Restoration Project
Salmon restoration project planned to increase rearing and refuge habitat in the Lower Green River to allow juvenile fish to stay in fresh water longer to improve their survival rate.
Lower Frew Levee Setback Project (Tolt River)
Project in the City of Carnation will reduce flood risks and improve habitat along the lower Tolt River.
McSorley Creek Shoreline and Estuary Restoration Project
Puget Sound shoreline restoration project at Saltwater State Park would remove rock armoring, restore natural beach processes and make McSorley Creek easier for fish to swim into.
Molasses Creek Fish Barrier and Habitat Improvement Study
Cedar River tributary project potentially to daylight a quarter mile section of pipe that connects a forested ravine with wetlands that provide good fish habitat.
Rutledge Johnson Partial Levee Removal and Floodplain Restoration
Salmon habitat improvement project at the mouth of Taylor Creek at the Cedar River that manages risk of floods and erosion around the site.
Chinook Wind Mitigation Project
Estuary wetland project along the Duwamish River in the City of Tukwila provides off-channel aquatic and intertidal mud flat habitat, marsh and riparian habitat.
Riverbend Levee Setback and Floodplain Restoration
Habitat improvement along the Cedar River east of Renton that restores river processes to improve spawning and rearing habitat for salmon while reducing flood risks and improving public access.
Stream bug seeding project
A novel strategy to re-establish aquatic insect communities in King County streams.
Green stormwater infrastructure effectiveness monitoring
Study of water quality results from green stormwater infrastructure.
Estimating toxics loadings to the Lake Washington Watershed
Project to develop numeric tools to understand how to reduce contaminant concentrations in Lake Washington fish.
The Restore and Protect Project
How King County has advanced efforts to restore and protect streams across Puget Sound.
Oyster Shell Catch Basin Retrofit, Mercer Island
Test results of a novel stormwater treatment method using oyster shells.
Fish Passage Restoration Program
Clearing the way for migrating fish species to return home and regenerate the runs of the past.
Habitat Restoration Unit
Group of ecologists and engineers working to restore habitat along King County rivers to help threatened species recover and regenerate.
Stormwater Capital Services
Projects that manage stormwater while protecting and improving water quality and aquatic habitat.
River and Floodplain Management
Investments in flood protection that also improve habitat in river systems.