Backcountry Trail Rehabilitation

King County’s backcountry trails are managed in a manner that protects natural resources, ensures public safety, and requires minimal maintenance. As part of this work, King County backcountry trails are maintained to avoid wetlands, where possible, and allow access per the Americans with Disabilities Act, where feasible.
King County monitors and maintains existing trails by decommissioning trails that may negatively impact ecological, cultural and traditional resources, improving signage, and supporting way-finding to help visitors remain on appropriate trails. King County follows local, state, and federal regulations and codes when building new trails.
The 2020-2025 King County Parks, Recreation, Trails and Open Space Levy funds a number of ongoing projects to repair and reconstruct backcountry trails within properties owned by King County Parks. THese projects include:
- Cougar/Squak Corridor: Wilderness Peak trail was completed through extensive help by WTA volunteers. Widening and improving the backslope on Big Tree trail. Improvements to Licorice Fern trail pending. Scoping has started for De Leo Wall trail re-alignment to elevate it outside of the creek buffer.
- Green River Natural Areas: Focused on improvements to the Hop Craze trail for a better, more sustainable, alignment to minimize future maintenance needs and reduce steep grades (Phase 1). Island Center Forest: Focus on improving drainage, improving sight-lines, and re-routing portions of steep trail throughout the park. Continue work on the Fir Hill re-alignment, Jack’s trail re-alignment, and planning for the 188th trail re-alignment. Completed the decommissioning of the portion of 188th that went through a wetland.
- Pinnacle Peak: Focus on wayfinding/signage improvements to enhance trails throughout the park.
- Taylor Mountain: Repair and reconstruct backcountry trails. Improvements to the Homestead trail began by the Cougar District Crew. Trail improvements on Holder Ridge and Hermit Trail. Re-route of Road-I.
- Tolt-MacDonald Park: Planning for the Willow Walk bridge to be replaced. Planning and design phase for turnpikes on Shinglewood Loop Trail.
- Moss Lake: Improvement projects are still in the design stage.