Central Maintenance Facility

Project Information
The Central Maintenance Facility, also called the Renton Shop, is under construction to replace the facilities, utilities, and yard storage areas at Parks’ existing operations headquarters at 3005 NE 4th Street in Renton. The project includes re-development of approximately 5.7 acres with new shop and crew/administrative buildings, vehicle and equipment parking, and yard/materials storage. The new facility will provide the following:
- Improve function and space for shop operations and workplace environment
- Enhance vehicle and pedestrian safety
- Comply with current building and environmental standards
- Accommodate future staff growth
The new Central Maintenance Facility is estimated to open for staff use in early to mid 2025.
The multidisciplinary project team includes HDR Architecture for architecture and engineering, Wood Harbinger for commissioning, and Parametrix for construction management, and general contractor Bayley Construction, LP.
For questions: parksinfo@kingcounty.gov or call Parks line at 206-477-4527.
Latest News - project phase
The project is in the construction phase. Construction photos are below.
Description of Facility
The Renton Shop is the headquarters for the Operations and Maintenance section of King County Parks, and the new facility will help improve and facilitate its work across the County. The facility will include a crew/ administrative building, shop building, a storage building and (2) covered storage structures, a parking lot to accommodate both Operations’ fleet vehicles, personal vehicles and electric vehicle charging stations and an equipment wash pad. The facility has been designed to achieve Energy Petal certification with the International Living Futures Institute and achieve net positive solar energy production.
Parks Operations Background
The site and its new facilities will function as the Parks Operations and Maintenance Section headquarters and central support shops for King County Parks operations. The primary purpose of the facility is to support the Operations and Maintenance section of King County Parks with its work across the County.The crew building will hold administrative and supervisors' offices, crew workstations, conference rooms, and support spaces. The shop building will contain crew workshops and equipment and supply storage. The storage building and covered storage structures will provide equipment and material storage.
Sustainability and ESJ initiatives
The project is targeting the International Living Future Institute's Zero Energy Certification as a base goal and Energy Petal Certification as a stretch goal. This project is one of ten green building projects selected to further King County's 2015 Strategic Climate Action Plan.
The facility is designed to reduce energy loads and generate solar power on site. The goal for Zero Energy certification is to produce a net annual consumption of zero energy. Energy Petal Certification contains the same requirement, plus additional power production on site achieving net positive energy production (at least 5% more solar energy production than consumption), and battery backup for resiliency.
The project began with a series of integrated design workshops that allowed the project stakeholders to help address the project's design priorities and objectives. The design process reflected several determinants of the County's Equity and Social Justice goals both internal and external to King County Parks. The final design will provide a more equitable and healthier work place for Operations staff and improve upon the workspace conditions of the outdated facility. Improving the work environment of the Parks Operations staff will benefit the larger community of King County through the agency's ability to provide better service and quality to their work in maintaining and operating the County's park spaces.
Community Workforce Agreement
During construction, the Renton Shop project will require contractors to participate in the Community Workforce Agreement (CWA). The CWA is a comprehensive pre-hire collective bargaining agreement between King County and labor unions that sets the basic terms and conditions of employment for public works construction projects. For more information, please click on the link below.
CWA Information
Parks issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Comments were accepted until 4:30 pm on Dec 20, 2018. For more information, please click on the link below.