Carnation Marsh

About the park
Carnation Marsh Natural Area is located two miles southwest of the City of Carnation. The 67-acre park, and adjacent 100-acre Seattle Audubon Society property, contain most of the ecologically valuable 190-acre Carnation Marsh wetland.
The marsh is home to a high diversity of bird, animal, and plant species and is an excellent location for birdwatching. Recent sightings include ospreys, belted kingfishers, bald eagles, and great blue herons. Best wildlife viewing is along the road and at the south end of the Audubon property at the parking pullout where the dike trail enters the Marsh.
As it is located along the Snoqualmie River, Carnation Marsh also provides significant storage of floodwaters from the river and tributary streams.
The Washington Native Plant Society has an inventory of plants found at Carnation Marsh.
Park activities and facilities
Nature observation
Parking is available on west side of road in the 900 block of West Snoqualmie River Rd. NE, on land owned by Seattle Audubon Society.