Infographics and checklists

Find out if your child needs a blood lead test. Download and print a checklist in multiple languages:
- English (512 KB)
- Amharic (187 KB)
- Dari (632 KB)
- Farsi (648 KB)
- Khmer (450 KB)
- Oromo (166 KB)
- Pashto (658 KB)
- Punjabi (235 KB)
- Somali (196 KB)
- Spanish (316 KB)
- Tigrinya (194 KB)
- Ukrainian (499 KB)
- Vietnamese (485 KB)
See also: Why testing for lead helps kids, Public Health Insider blog, (Originally posted on August 5, 2019)
NOTE: The Lead Testing events shown in the blog are now over but the information about the importance of testing is still current. Talk to your child's health care provider about getting tested for lead.

Effects of lead poisoning in children
(1.7 MB)
- በልጆች ላይ የእርሳስ መመረዝ ውጤቶች (Amharic) (1.7 MB)
- Miidhaa summii liidii daa'imman irratti (Oromo) (1.7 MB)
- Dhibaatada sunta leedhku ay gaadhsiinayso caruurta (Somali) (1.8 MB)
- አርእስቲ፡ ምረዛ ርሳሰ (ሌድ) አብ ልዕሊ ቆልዑ ዘምጽኦ ሳዕቤናት (Tigrinya) (1.8 MB)

Lead and pregnancy: Keep baby safe
(8.2 MB)
- እርሳስ እና እርግዝና፡ ህፃን ደህንነትን ይጠብቁ (Amharic) (7.9 MB)
- Liidii ifi ulfa: Daa'ima kunuunsi (Oromo)
- Leedhka iyo uurka: Ka taxadir ilmaha nabedgelyadiisa (Somali) (676 KB)
- ላዕለዋይ ክፋል ስእሊ፡ ንህጻን ካብ ሓደጋ ዓቅቡ (Tigrinya) (8.6 MB)

Preventing lead poisoning starts at home
(114 KB)
- በእርሳስ መመረዝን መከላከል ከመኖሪያ ቤት ይጀምራል። (Amharic) (108 KB)
- Liidii dhaan faalamuu to'achuun manaa (Oromo) (116 KB)

2022 Product Testing Events one pager
(439 KB)
- فعاليات فحص المنتجات (Arabic) (544 KB)
- Sagantaalee Oomishaalee Gorachuu (Oromo)(474 KB)
- Natiijooyinka Baarista Alaabta Ee 2022 (Somali) (448 KB)