Renton Public Health Center
The Renton Public Health Center phone number at 206-477-0100 is currently offline and callers will hear a busy signal instead. The issue has been reported and we are working to have it fixed as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause you.
Dental Clinic
Call the dental clinic at 206-477-0100 to make an appointment.
Clients served:
- Children ages 1 through 18 years old
- Parents of child patients if Medicaid eligible
- Low income pregnant women
- Low income adults 19+ if Medicaid eligible
Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN)
Public Health Nurses with assist in planning and obtaining medical care and other resources for the child with a disability or a condition that may prevent normal growth and development.
Maternity Support Services (MSS) and Infant Case Management (ICM)
- MSS services include assessment, education and referrals through a team approach to support a healthy pregnancy. MSS providers also help pregnant women find health insurance, local doctors or midwives and other community resources.
- The ICM program provides support and referral to needed medical, social, educational and other resources in the local community to help babies and families thrive. Care team members include Public Health Nurses, Nutritionists, Social Worker and Community Health Worker.
Women, Infants and Children nutrition program (WIC)
WIC is a supplemental food and nutrition education program for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, infants and children.
The ORCA card is the easiest, healthiest way to pay your transit fares in the Puget Sound region. After loading your ORCA card with E-purse (electronic purse) funds, and/or a monthly pass, you’re ready to ride! The ORCA card will automatically track paid fares and transfers, so you don't have to. Available at this location to those who qualify. Visit Metro's ORCA-LIFT card website to learn more.