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Missing persons and runaways

The Major Crimes Unit analyzes all missing persons and runaway reports. If the Office reviewer suspects any foul play, the case is immediately assigned to a Major Crimes detective. The missing person's unit can be reached at 206-263-2080.

Report Missing Person/Runaway Child

Report Missing Person/Runaway Child

Call 9-1-1

Related links

Amber Alert

A collaborative effort between law enforcement agencies and the local media to promote the safe and swift return of children who are abducted or become missing under specific criteria.

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

Learn more about the NCMEC, an important resource for families and law enforcement agencies. 

Washington State Missing Persons Alerts

Missing Persons Alerts is a mass media platform for the missing and exploited created to give all missing persons the same platform for mass media exposure. A nationwide database and clearing house for missing persons in the US.
