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News about Council Vice-Chair Reagan Dunn

See the latest news from Councilmember Dunn.

2024 News

September 24, 2024
Council Honors Seattle Indian Health Board’s Esther Lucero with 2024 Recovery Champion Award
"We are proud to honor Esther Lucero for her dedication to helping folks in King County recover from substance use disorders, particularly through her focus on expanding access to culturally attuned inpatient treatment. Esther’s work, day in and day out, requires immense heart and persistence, and she is truly deserving of this award."

September 9, 2024
Council Selects David Scalabrini to Fill King County Fire Protection District No. 37 Vacancy
"David brings to this position a strong commitment to bettering his community. I am grateful for his willingness to serve as Commissioner and thank him for stepping up to fill the roll."

September 3, 2024
Dunn announces $15,000 King County grant for Ayeko Farm’s Enumclaw Youth Conservation Internship
"With this funding, more kids will have the opportunity to learn about sustainable farming and conservation practices in a hands-on format while spending time outdoors and working with the land. This is a terrific educational opportunity and I’m glad to see it offered in Enumclaw!"

September 3, 2024
Dunn announces $9,900 King County grant for Bicycle Rescue for Youth
"With this grant, more low-income kids in South King County will get to experience both the joy and the physical benefits of bicycling,” Dunn said. “I thank Bicycle Rescue for Youth for all their work fixing, maintaining, and gifting these bikes to help keep kids active. I’m proud to support their work!"

August 27, 2024
After extended debate, Council commits to keeping the Patricia H. Clark juvenile jail open
With today’s vote, the King County Council made a clear statement that we are committed to keeping our juvenile detention facility open and operating — a major victory for all who are concerned about protecting our communities..."

July 24, 2024
Dunn’s motion in support of keeping the county’s juvenile jail open heads to full Council without recommendation
“I am very pleased that the Committee has moved my motion forward to full Council so that the debate and conversation can continue. I maintain that by focusing on ending secure detention and closing the juvenile detention facility, the county perpetuates a lose-lose situation — one where the safety of the public is at risk, and juvenile offenders have less access to rehabilitative services that help get their lives on the right track. Instead, the county must place its time and energy on improving our existing juvenile justice system. I will continue working toward this end.”

July 17, 2024
Following fatal crash in Fairwood, Dunn’s traffic safety study clears hurdle
“I am glad to see my legislation move through the legislative process. After many conversations with members of the Fairwood community, I believe it’s critically important to review all ideas for improving road safety in Fairwood — such as roundabouts, cameras, and increased traffic enforcement — so that together we can proactively avoid further tragedies stemming from dangerous driving.”

July 11, 2024
Dunn crowns the ‘King Critter’ at King County Fair
“It is always wonderful to celebrate the Fair in King County. It is a special and time-honored tradition. I am proud to congratulate this year’s winning critter, Rooster, and her owner Ariann Blakely!”  

June 11, 2024
Following fatal shooting, Dunn calls for audit of controversial Restorative Community Pathways diversion program
“King County’s failure to hold Restorative Community Pathways accountable is an injustice to juveniles who need meaningful rehabilitation, and to the general public who deserve to be safe. Sadly, we are seeing that there are big consequences to these policy failures. An audit of RCP’s performance and financial practices is long overdue.”

June 11, 2024
Dunn awards Martin Luther King Jr. Medal of Distinguished Service to Patti Payne
“I am so pleased to honor my friend Patti Payne, who not only spent her career as a successful journalist shining a light on uplifting stories and good causes, but has used her platform to support many local non-profits by leading fundraising efforts and serving on a variety of boards. Patti is a relentless force for good, and her tireless energy and heart for community service are an inspiration to us all.”

May 16, 2024
Amid record level of overdose deaths, local leaders announce 4th annual King County Conference on Substance Use
“This conference is for anyone whose life has been in some way touched by substance use, or anyone is interested in learning more about treatment and recovery pathways. As the number of overdose deaths tragically increases year after year, our intention is that the discussions and informative panels that happen here will bring hope to the overdose crisis in King County.”

May 15, 2024
Dunn condemns homelessness approach as population surges past 16k in latest count
“King County’s homeless population has surged nearly 50% since the King County Regional Homelessness Authority was first formed five years ago and a shocking 23% since 2022, despite the millions of dollars spent. Leaders need to face the fact that the KCRHA’s current approach doesn’t work. Lives depend on leadership’s ability to change course.”

May 14, 2024
Dunn: Highest minimum wage in nation will harm rural businesses, workers
“I fear that this massive wage hike will harm, rather than help, my constituents. Since it only affects businesses in unincorporated King County, it gives rural communities the highest minimum wage in the nation, and arguably the world. Rural areas simply don’t have the existing economic engine that cities do to support this burden..."

May 9, 2024
Dunn proposes study of roundabouts, other safety fixes on 140th Ave SE in Fairwood in wake of fatal crash
“The recent horrifying car crash in Fairwood tragically highlighted the need to find ways to make our neighborhood roads safer. This legislation will take a comprehensive look at ideas from the community for improving road safety—such as roundabouts, cameras, and increased traffic enforcement—so that together we can act to protect our community from dangerous driving.”

April 30, 2024
Dunn proposal would restrict funds, request audit of controversial Housing Justice Project programs
“It’s abundantly clear that without acting to put more oversight measure in place, Housing Justice Project programs that are intended to help those who have fallen on hard times will continue to be abused by bad actors who are gaming the system. Not only is this completely unjust for housing providers who must cover the unpaid rent, utilities, damages, and legal fees—but the real travesty is that all this is being done with taxpayer dollars. King County must intervene immediately to bring accountability to Housing Justice Project programs, audit how our funds are being used, and stop ill-intended crooks from continuing to exploit eviction prevention aid.”

April 2, 2024
Dunn motion opposes closure of King County’s youth detention center
There is an ongoing push at King County to not only close the youth detention center, but to instead place these juvenile offenders in community homes scattered across King County, with no locks on the doors. I find this entirely unconscionable and unrealistic and want to make it clear to King County residents that this is not a policy that is supported by the King County Council."

March 27, 2024
Following final report on efforts to close youth jail, Dunn calls push for unsecure youth detention ‘preposterous’
“The fact that the County is still considering placing violent felons in unlocked facilities is preposterous and a glaring danger to our communities. We must work to improve juvenile justice while still holding younger offenders accountable for their actions and without creating more victims out of innocent people."

March 20, 2024
Dunn proposes revamped dashboard to increase transparency about juvenile violent crime, sex offenses
"As our communities see a concerning rise in juvenile crime, this dashboard will allow members of the public to better understand the trends in specific crimes and see how cases are being addressed—for instance, how many are resolved, diverted, or declined. There is a lot of room for improvement when it comes to transparency on juvenile crime, and it’s my hope this dashboard will help keep our communities informed.

February 21, 2024
Dunn calls for information on ‘excessive’ freeway shootings, seeks opportunities to partner to address surge in gun violence on roadways
“As an elected official, I believe the public has a right to know all the details that WSP has to offer regarding these shootings and deserves reassurance that these incidents are being taken seriously."

February 8, 2024
Dunn applauds Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers' ‘fair-minded, honest’ career as she announces retirement from Congress
During her nearly 20 years as a Congresswoman, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers has developed a reputation as being fair-minded, honest, and kind to everyone..."

January 1, 2024
Bella and Luna top 2023’s most popular pet names in King County
“Licensing your pet is very important because it gives your beloved dog or cat a much better chance of finding their way back home should they ever get lost. As an added bonus, you can know that the licensing fee you pay is going to a good cause—supporting RASKC’s shelter, pet adoption program, veterinary care, and other services for animals in need.”
