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Investments and Funding Opportunities

Promoting housing stability, healthy living, financial stability, social engagement, and service system access for veterans, seniors and resilient communities

The Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services Levy (VSHSL) Implementation Plan is a strategy-by-strategy plan that details how the 2024-2029 VSHSL proceeds will be invested in King County’s communities to improve overall health and well-being, help communities thrive, and reduce disparities throughout King County. 

The linked document below shares the procurement timeline estimates for the plan’s strategies and programs, and information about any community planning sessions that may be held to shape Requests for Proposals (RFPs) or other competitive procurement processes.

The document will be updated regularly. If you would like any additional information, please contact

Open funding opportunities  

Vets Engaged (SE 7) Applications due: February 28, 2025 by 2:00 pm Pacific Time  

Funding Opportunities Timeline

Curious where we've invested so far?

See where we've invested


Download the 2024-2029 VSHSL Implementation Plan
