Health care advisories and provider resources
The Communicable Disease Epidemiology & Immunization Section emails timely Health Advisories to those who subscribe to our Info-X Listserv. The listserv is a free service for King County health care providers. Most health advisories (the most recent 3 years) sent to subscribers are archived on this page. If you're a King County health care provider, see instructions below on how to be added to the list.
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Key resources, guidelines, and services
Disease reporting requirements for King County health care professionals, specific businesses and organizations
In Washington state, health care professionals, health care facilities, laboratories, veterinarians, food service establishments, child day care facilities, and schools are legally required to notify public health authorities at their local health jurisdiction of suspected or confirmed cases of selected diseases or conditions. These are referred to as notifiable conditions.
Flu resources for health care professionals
Toolkits, flu surveillance activities, reporting requirements, diagnostic testing algorithm, infection control.
Animal bites and suspected human rabies exposures
Animal bites are a public health concern because of the potential for transmission of rabies, a viral infection of the nervous system and brain of humans and other mammals that is almost always fatal. Infection can be prevented by administering rabies immune globulin and a series of rabies vaccine doses.
Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention Program (PHBPP)
The Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention Program is a public health program that works with pregnant people who are infected with hepatitis B virus to prevent spread of the virus to their infants and household contacts
Washington State Childhood Vaccine Program
The Washington State Childhood Vaccine Program provides publicly purchased vaccines to participating providers for all children 0 to 18 years of age. The program supplies all vaccines recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and eliminates or reduces cost barriers to receiving vaccinations.
Public Health Laboratory
The Public Health Laboratory assists in the prevention of disease spread by identifying patients and environmental samples which carry organisms that are potentially harmful to the health of the residents of King County. Some of its services are available to King County health care providers.
Communicable disease data and information
Disease fact sheets including annual disease case data and emerging issues.
Emergency preparedness
Guidance for community members, tools and resources for organizations, emergency response plans and how to get involved
Diseases and conditions
An A to Z listing of diseases and conditions.