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2020 – News about Councilmember Rod Dembowski

View 2020 press releases from Councilmember Dembowski.

November 3, 2020
Councilmember Dembowski applauds apparent passage of Harborview Bond measure
"I want to thank the voters and taxpayers of King County for approving the new Harborview Bond. We are going to build a nation-leading Behavioral Health Institute, modernize the emergency department, add respite and shelter beds, and build new patient rooms to reduce crowding and improve care..."

October 15, 2020
Joint Statement on I-976 Supreme Court Ruling
“Today’s ruling is a breath of fresh air ... A lack of access to mobility is a major barrier for many in our community to being able to gain employment, attend school and carry out everyday activities that many of us take for granted. Had I-976 been upheld we would not have been able to assure many in our region affordable and reliable transit options." 

July 15, 2020
Dembowski Issues Statement on Metro GM Gannon Stepping Down for New Role in Missoula, Montana
"Rob Gannon has been a compassionate and effective leader of our world-class transit department. He has prioritized our customers and led with integrity to advance our long range plan and equity-focused mobility plan...(full statement at link)"

June 9, 2020
Councilmembers Advance Key Reforms for County Law Enforcement
“These are important reforms that can help improve our justice system. They have been thoroughly vetted and developed with public input over many months. OLEO must have the power it needs to conduct its mission. A decade of opposition to its authority needs to end, and end now.”

May 26, 2020
Dembowski: Wrong Time to Hike Sewer Rates on Struggling Residents and Businesses
“King County has an obligation to carefully balance its responsibility to manage our regional wastewater system and to guide our region through this unprecedented health and economic crisis. I firmly believe that now is not the time to add to the economic burden so many families and businesses are facing. For that reason, I proposed a one-year delay of the Executive-proposed 4.5% sewer rate increase...."
