Boards and commissions descriptions
Board members are appointed by the King County Executive and confirmed by the King County Council.
The Access Paratransit Advisory Committee (APAC) enhances Metro’s Access paratransit program by advising the agency on priorities and areas of mutual concern while developing a vision for ongoing improvements.
The Commission advises the King County Executive and King County Council on agricultural policies and programs, including, but not limited to, existing and proposed legislation and regulations affecting commercial agriculture, land use issues as they impact agriculture, implementation of the livestock ordinance, and ways to maintain, enhance and promote agriculture and agricultural products in the region.
The Behavioral Health Advisory Board is mandated by Washington State law to advise King County on the development of plans and policies for the operation of the publicly funded behavioral health system in King County. The board provides policy direction, prioritizes and advocates for service needs, oversees evaluation of services, and provides public information.
The Board of Appeals and Equalization is an independent body organized to hold quasi-judicial hearings to adjudicate appeals on determinations made by the Department of Assessments or by King County Council ordinance, or any order issued by the Executive Office or administrative offices. The board is comprised of seven members serving four-year terms. Board members must be able to dedicate 60 to 160 days for Board work per year (varies annually) and are compensated $250 per six hour board day; $150 for less than six hour board day.
The Board for Developmental Disabilities is a 15-member advisory board that provides oversight of community services for residents of King County who have developmental disabilities such as cerebral palsy, autism, Downs Syndrome, or other neurological impairments, and their families. The Board develops plans, makes recommendations on the use of available funds, and advocates for increases in state funding and improvements in services.
The King County Board of Ethics is a five-member administrative, advisory, and quasi-judicial board whose mission is to ensure the highest standards of public service by developing, disseminating, and promoting readily understandable ethics requirements for King County employees and agencies. Its first goal is to educate elected officials, county employees and board and commission members of their obligations to the public under the Code of Ethics. The ethics education program underscores the belief that ethics is a positive tool with which to support both good management practices and good public service on behalf of the citizens of King County.
The King County Charter provides us with a fundamental, underlying framework of how we govern our region. It requires that everyone, regardless of position or office, abide by a higher law. The Charter specifies that at least once every ten years, the Executive appoint a commission to review the charter and recommend changes. In January 2007, King County began its fifth review of the Charter. The commission completed its work in May 2008 and won't meet again until 2016.
The King County Children and Youth Advisory Board is a 36 member board whose primary function is to serve as the oversight and advisory board for the Best Starts for Kids Initiative, the King County Youth Action Plan, and the Puget Sound Taxpayer Accountability Account. that will make recommendations and monitor distribution of levy proceeds.
The CEOC is comprised of 16 members including two non-voting members (one each from the Secretary of State’s Office and the Washington State Association of County Auditors). The Committee’s mission is to help King County maintain public confidence in elections. The Committee shall make recommendations to the Council to: Improve performance of the department of elections; and, help insure that accountability and performance of the King County department of elections is provided in a transparent manner that is meaningful to the residents of King County.
The CTV Citizens Advisory Committee develops policies and procedures and oversees the operation of the King County government access channel C-TV. The Committee is comprised of 4 members serving 4-year terms. Each board member is appointed to represents a different sector of the communications industry that includes broadcast, public relations, print media and social media/internet. Members are compensated at $50.00 per diem per day when attending to Committee business.
The Civil Service Commission is comprised of 3 members serving 6-year terms. The Commission is an important but seldom used quasi-judicial body with impartial review authority over disciplinary matters in the King County Sheriff’s Office. The commission hears appeals from disciplinary actions such as the removal, suspension, demotion, or discharge of classified employees. The commission then affirms, reverses, or modifies these actions during commission meetings. The Commission has the authority to uphold or affirm, reverse, or modify the County’s employment action.
A Commissioner may not hold any salaried public office or engage in County employment, other than Commission duties, until his/her term has expired. Members must be a citizen of the United States, a resident of the County for two years immediately preceding appointment, and an elector of the County.
The King County Communities of Opportunity Best Start for Kids Levy Advisory Board is comprised of 10 members. The duties of the board are to review and make simultaneous advisory recommendations to the executive and county council, concerning the use of levy proceeds for the communities of opportunity element of the best starts for kids levy, consistent with the council adopted communities of opportunity section of the best starts for kids levy implementation plan, and to make appointment recommendations to the executive.
If you are interested in an appointment to the COO BSK, please contact
The Community Advisory Committee serves as a liaison between the King County Office of Law Enforcement Oversight and the communities it serves. The Committee is comprised of up to 11 members (3 members represent King County Sheriff contract cities; 4 members represent unincorporated King County; and 4 members serve as at-large representatives). The Community Advisory Committee provides input and guidance on policies, procedures and practices relating to policing in King County. This includes conducting outreach to communities served by the Sheriff’s Office, gathering information about public perceptions and concerns relating to the Sheriff’s Office, and providing the public with information about recourse for alleged police misconduct.
The Committee is comprised of 16 members who serve 4-year terms (9 Council district representatives nominated by King County Councilmembers, 4 Council at-large representative positions nominated by the Council Chair; and 3 at-large representative positions nominated and appointed by the King County Executive). The Committee conducts an annual review of applications for CFT funding, and recommends funding allocation, scope changes and funding re-allocations between projects to the King County Council and Executive. In conjunction with the CFT annual allocation recommendation process, the Committee also makes an annual recommendation for King County Parks Levy funds that are dedicated to open space acquisition for unincorporated King County projects.
The King County Cultural Development Authority board of directors is comprised of 15 members (9 nominated by Council district with each Councilmember nominating a district representative; and 6 positions appointed by the King County Executive as at-large representatives). The Board governs 4Culture, with individuals representing the broad cultural, geographic and ethnic diversity of King County, as well as backgrounds in arts, heritage, historic preservation, and public art, finance, tourism, education, real estate and government relations. 4Culture Board members are primarily responsible for organizational financial oversight; securing and maintaining resources from all levels of government; advocacy, especially regarding resources; setting policy relevant to the organization as a whole; and serving as the public face of 4Culture.
The King County Employees Deferred Compensation Plan Board oversees the operation of the County’s deferred compensation program on behalf of the County and Plan participants. The board is comprised of 9 members, which includes 4 participant representatives, 3 Ex-Officio members, 1 Council representative and 1 Executive representative. Members must be participants in the Plan. The Membership Committee Chair nominates prospective board members and the board confirms the appointment. No Executive appointment or Council confirmation required.
If you are a current King County employee, or retired from King County, and you participate in King County’s Deferred Compensation Plan, and you are interested in serving on the King County Deferred Compensation Plan Board, please contact
The Emergency Management Advisory Committee (EMAC) was originally formed in 1993 and was established by ordinance in 1999. The EMAC acts in an advisory capacity to the King County executive, council and office of emergency management on emergency management matters, and facilitates the coordination of regional emergency planning in King County. The Committee is comprised of 28 primary members and 23 alternates, serving 3 year terms.
To review and make recommendations regarding EEO and AA strategies, systems, policies and guidelines; reviewing the EEO/Affirmative Action Plan and updates with HRD, and making recommendations regarding its adoption to the King County Executive, and reviewing semi-annual and annual Affirmative Action progress reports and advising the County Executive accordingly. The Committee has 21 representatives (each King County Department will have one representative per 1,000 regular employees). Members serve 3 year terms and must be King County employees.
If you are a King County employee and interested in serving on the EEO/AA Advisory Board, please contact
The purpose of the Employee Giving Program Committee, are to: recommend rules consistent with K.C.C. Chapter 3.36 to the council as necessary and to coordinate the Employee Giving Program. The Committee is comprised of 15 King County employees serving 2-year terms. The Committee provides direction and guidance of our amazing two time national award winning program.
The Ferry Advisory Committee reports to the Washington State Department of Transportation (DOT) and reports on problems experienced within the area served by the Washington State Ferries, particularly when the DOT is conducting a review of the tariffs and other ferry service questions. The Fauntleroy FAC represents the residents and business groups of West Seattle pertaining to Washington State Ferries operations through the Fauntleroy Ferry Terminal. This includes advising or informing WSF management of issues and concerns relating to sailing schedules, ferry operation, and community interests. The Committee is comprised of 3 members serving 4-year terms. At the time of appointment, not more than two members shall be from the same political party.
The Board, as the representative authority of King County, oversees the provision of health-care services in order to assure that high quality health care is made available to King County residents. The board is comprised of 13 members (9 positions are appointed by Council District with each Councilmember nominating one person to represent their district. The remaining 4 positions are appointed as Council at-large positions). Board members serve 4-year terms, with a 3-term limit.
The Commission will work as a hub and central connecting place for building direct relationships with and supporting the vision for social justice for immigrant and refugee communities in King County. The commission will enhance the integration of refugees and immigrants culturally, economically, and civically, in order to strengthen the communities where they live. The Commission will support refugees and immigrants to thrive and succeed while maintaining their own identities. The Commission consist of 13 members, serving 3-year terms.
The King County Investment Pool Advisory Committee (IPAC) provides the County's Executive Finance Committee (EFC) with feedback and advice regarding policies, practices and fee structure for the county's $4.5 billion investment pool. The Committee is comprised of 10 members serving 2-year terms (with the exception of the Treasury manager permanent member). Committee members mostly represent the entities that participate in the investment pool. Members must include two representatives from school districts, one from a water/sewer district, one from a fire district, and two representatives from other types of districts participating in the pool. King County is represented by two county fund managers as well as the Treasury Operations Manager. A private person, who is an investment professional with no ties to the county or to investment pool members, rounds out the committee.
The King County Housing Authority (KCHA) is responsible for administering Federal public housing and Section 8 programs and a broad range of other housing and services for low income households in incorporated and unincorporated King County outside of the cities of Seattle and Renton. The Authority presently owns or controls 11,150 units of housing and provides rental subsidies to over 10,118 additional households through its Section 8 voucher program. The Board is comprised of 5 members serving 5-year terms. One board member must be a public housing or Section 8 participant.
The Roundtable is a 16-member advisory board that provides advice, oversight and recommendations to the airport’s administrators, the King County Executive, and the King County Council. Its membership includes representatives of aviation-related businesses and various communities interested in airport issues.
The King County Library System is a completely separate entity from King County government. However, in accordance with RCW 27.12, King County is responsible for appointing the 7 members of the Board of Trustees. The Board is responsible for the governance of the King County Rural Library District, an independent taxing district serving residents of King County and other unincorporated areas of the county. It is responsible for the adoption of policies, bylaws, rules and regulations, as well as approval of both the annual operating budget and wages and benefits for more than 1,200 staff. The Board hires the Library Director and conducts an annual performance review. Trustees serve 5-year terms with a 2-term limit.
Are you looking for a meaningful way to shape our region’s homelessness response? KCRHA’s Governing Board is seeking applications for individuals to represent those with Lived Experience on the Board.
King County Regional Homelessness Authority Governing Board.
The King County Lake Geneva Management District Advisory Board was created in 2016 to allow the district to immediately begin operations so as to begin a work program and obtain funding for its work program. The boundaries of the district include all lakeside parcels to Lake Geneva. The Board is comprised of three members. The duration of the district shall be from 2016 through 2026.
The King County Landmarks Commission works to preserve the county's historic and archaeological resources through: 1) landmark designation and protection 2) administration of special incentives to encourage preservation 3) technical assistance to heritage organizations, heritage specialists, landmark property owners and representatives, tribal governments, and city, county, and state agency staff, and 4) advocacy and education about the value of historic preservation.
The Mental Illness and Drug Dependency (MIDD) Advisory Committee is an advisory body to the Executive and Council. Its purpose is to ensure that the implementation and evaluation of the strategies and programs funded by the MIDD sales tax revenue are transparent, accountable, collaborative and effective. The Committee is comprised of 30 members serving 4-year terms.
The Museum of Flight Authority Board of Directors established to govern the affairs of the public authority. The directors shall be appointed and serve their terms as provided in the charter. All corporate powers of the public authority shall be exercised by or under the authority of the board of directors; and the business, property and affairs of the authority shall be managed under the direction of the board of directors, except as may be otherwise provided for by law or in the charter. The Board is comprised of 7 members serving 3-year terms.
The King County Noxious Weed Control Board sets the county noxious weed control priorities and budgets, annually adopts the noxious weed list, and administers the Noxious Weed Control Program throughout the county according to the requirements of RCW 17.10. The primary mission of the weed board is to educate landowners to be responsible stewards of the land and resources of King County by protecting and preserving all lands and natural resources of the county from the degrading impact of invasive noxious weeds; and to provide quality, timely and responsive service to the residents of King County. The Board is comprised of 5 members serving 4-year terms and one non-voting member from WSU Extension Office.
The mission of the Parks Levy Oversight Board is to review the Parks and Recreation Division’s expenditures of the six-year Parks Operating and Maintenance Levy and the accompanying Open Space and Trails levy to confirm that the levies were spent in compliance with the levy ordinances. The Board is comprised of 9 council-nominated members (each Councilmember gets to nominate one individual to serve as their district representative).
The King County Personnel Board is a five member board, created by the County Charter (See Article 5, Section 540) for the purpose of hearing and deciding certain kinds of appeals from County employees who are members of the Career Service and choose not to pursue a grievance procedure under an applicable bargaining agreement, if any. The board is comprised of five members, four of whom are appointed (serving a 5-year term) and one member elected by County Career Service employees (serving a 3-year unexpired term). Board members receive a per diem of $100 for all day board work; $75 for official board work of three hours or less; an additional $25 per day is paid to the chair of the board during any full day (six hours or more) or $13 for work of three hours or less in which board business is conducted.
The committee shall operate in an advisory role to the county for implementation and effectiveness of this chapter. The committee shall advise the division on planning, input prior to the development of the Master Community Workforce Agreement (Master CWA), administration and reporting. The Committee shall advise the County on planning, input prior to the development of the master community workforce agreement, administration and reporting. The Committee shall consult with King County's immigrant and refugee commission, women's advisory board and communities of opportunity Best Starts for Kids Levy advisory board to identify ways to recruit and retain people in apprenticeships who have historically not been involved in the construction trades or who are from economically disadvantaged communities or are immigrants or refugees. In addition, the Committee shall advise the division on the program's performance in serving economically disadvantaged communities and the program's impacts on women-owned or minority-owned businesses, open sop contractors and small contractors and suppliers, and shall make recommendations, as necessary, to the County to make adjustments to the program to maximize its responsiveness to these communities. The Committee shall consist of 8 to 12 members appointed by the King County Executive and confirmed by the King County Council.
If you are interested in an appointment to the Priority Hire Advisory Board, please contact
The board regularly reviews the activities and plans of the department of public defense, make recommendations to the county public defender on matters concerning the department, advises the executive and council on matters of equity and social justice related to public defense, prepares the reports required by the enabling legislation and such other reports as the board may deem appropriate. The Board is comprised of 11 members serving three-year terms. The Board meets at least once every two months. Board members are not compensated but may be reimbursed for parking expenses in the King County parking garage when attending meetings of the committee.
Advises the Executive and Council in their efforts to conserve forest land and encourage sustainable forestry in the rural area and on County-owned land. The Commission applies its efforts to making forestry viable in King County’s rural areas and reducing the rate at which forest is converted to other land uses. The board is comprised of 13 members serving 3-year terms.
The Seattle Ferry Advisory Committee reports to the Washington State Department of Transportation (DOT) and reports on problems experienced within the area served by the Washington State Ferries. The SFAC represents the residents and business groups of Seattle pertaining to Washington State Ferries operations through the Colman Dock Ferry Terminal. The Seattle FAC is to be comprised of 3 members serving 4-year terms.
The Seattle Transitional Grant Area (TGA) HIV Planning Council is a requirement of the federal Ryan White Act, which also funds its activities. The Council has the responsibility to assess the need for care services for people living with HIV (PLWH) in King, Snohomish and Island Counties, and to identify gaps in services not covered by other programs. It then allocates over $6 million per year in Ryan White Part A funds to fill the gaps in those services. The Council also has a variety of other responsibilities including comprehensive planning, assessing administrative mechanisms related to the contract process, and following federal rules related to membership and processes. The Planning Council is comprised of up to 40 members serving 2-year terms.
The Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) is an advisory body that is required under Washington State law (RCW 70.95.165) and created in King County Code 10.28. The committee provides input on solid waste management issues and policies that affect county residents and the services they receive. The committee is balanced geographically and includes recipients of solid waste services, representatives from public interest groups, labor, waste management industry, manufacturers located in King County, local elected officials and recycling and marketing interests. The Committee is comprised of up to 20 members serving 3-year terms.
The King County Transit Advisory Commission improves transit services, planning, and programs by advising Metro’s staff members and general manager, the King County Executive and Council, local jurisdictions, and subarea transportation boards concerning transit policy issues. The commission’s role is to: advise Metro on the inception and development of long-range planning efforts; advise Metro and King County on issues essential to transit service in King County, including matters of concern to the elderly and persons with disabilities; and serve as a resource for inter-jurisdictional transit promotion and coordination. The Commission is comprised of 18 members serving 2 year terms.
The Vashon - Maury Island Groundwater Protection Committee is tasked with tracking and advising on the protection of groundwater resources. Specific responsibilities include: advising the King County Executive and Council on Groundwater issues; monitoring, participating in and advising County elected officials, municipalities, special purpose districts, water and sewer utilities, and water purveyors on implementation of the Vashon - Maury Island Ground Water Management Plan (GWMP); making policy and program recommendations to support the protection of groundwater resources; and coordinating community groundwater needs with local organizations. The Committee is comprised of 10 members serving 3 year terms.
The King County Council recently created the Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy (VSHSL) Advisory Board. The duties of the VSHSL Advisory Board are to oversee the distribution of the VSHSL proceeds for each VSHSL priority population as defined by the levy, as well as overseeing the distribution of technical assistance and capacity building funds. The VSHSL Advisory Board will consist of 30 members structured in three, 10-member committees. Each committee will have expertise in one VSHSL priority population: 1) veterans, service members and their families; 2) seniors and caregivers of seniors; and 3) vulnerable populations.
Members of the VSHSL Advisory Board must reside within King County and meet the requirements specific to each committee. Elected official are ineligible for board membership while they hold office. Nominating entities for the VSHSL Advisory Board are the King County Council, the City of Seattle, Seattle-King County Advisory Council for Aging and Disability Services, and Sound Cities Association. Additionally, the King County Executive will directly appoint four VSHSL Advisory Board members. For a summary of assigned committee positions for each entity please refer to the VSHSL Advisory Board website.
The King County Department of Community and Human services aims to stand up the Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy Advisory Board in the first quarter of 2019.
Please contact the VSHSL Advisory Board Liaison at or 206-477-9338 with any questions.
The Washington State Boundary Review Board for King County was created in 1967 under a mandate established by the State of Washington (RCW 36.93). The Boundary Review Board operates as an independent entity in order to fulfill its legislative responsibilities. The Boundary Review Board is funded by King County as prescribed in RCW 36.93.080. The board is comprised of 11 members (The Governor, County Executive and Cities of King County each appoint 3 members. Special Purpose Districts select 2 members), serving a 4-year term. Members are compensated at a rate of $50 per day when conducting Board business.
The District is an independent, municipal corporation whose responsibility it is to site, design, build and operate an excellent and attractive baseball park that is an asset to the community and the region. The PFD works both to protect and to leverage the value of this publicly-owned asset on transportation, zoning and development issues in neighborhoods adjacent to the ballpark. The District is comprised of 7 members (4 King County Executive appointments / 3 appointed by the Washington State Governor) serving 4-year terms.
The Washington State Convention Center Public Facilities District Board of Directors was created within King County, to acquire, own and operate a convention and trade center transferred from a public nonprofit corporation.
The board shall consist of the 9 members: 3 members must be nominated by the county executive subject to confirmation by the county legislative authority; 3 members must be nominated by the mayor of the city of Seattle subject to confirmation by the city legislative authority; and 3 members must be appointed by the Washington State Governor. One of the governor's appointments and one of the county's appointments must be representative of the lodging industry in the public facilities district and one of the city's appointments must be representative of organized labor, except that these requirements do not apply to the initial board of the district. Members serve for 4-year terms.
The WaterWorks Grant Ranking Committee is responsible for reviewing, ranking, and making recommendations for funding through the WaterWorks competitive grant program. WaterWorks funds projects that improve water quality in the King County Wastewater Treatment Division Service Area. Nearly $2 million are awarded every two years for a variety of projects, including green stormwater infrastructure (rain gardens and cisterns), education and community engagement, research and monitoring, and stream and river bank restoration.
The Committee has 13 members--9 Council district representatives nominated by King County Councilmembers; 3 representatives for MWPAAC (Metropolitan Water Pollution Advisory Committee) nominated by MWPAAC and the King County Executive; and 1 water quality technical specialist nominated by the King County Executive. Members serve 3 year terms with a 2 term limit.
The Women’s Advisory Board (WAB) meets to discuss and gather information on the needs of women and their families. As needs become known, the WAB members develop and provide recommendations to the Executive and the King County Council. The Board is comprised of 15 members (9 Council district representatives; 4 Council nominated at-large representatives; and 2 Executive nominated at-large positions) serving 3 year terms.