Land Conservation Initiative and equity
The Land Conservation Initiative works to invest in parks, open space and trail access in localities historically deprived of amenities to ensure health and well-being in every neighborhood.
Going where the needs are greatest

We live in a region with a strong history of protecting open space, yet not all of our communities experience the benefits of these public investments.
Many communities have experienced, and still experience, a history of unequal and limited regional investments in parks, open space, and trail access which affects their daily lives and limits their ability to lead healthy lives.
View map showing disparities in access to open space
Truly livable communities need access to parks and trails, just like they need access to public transit, affordable housing, and good education & healthcare.
Regional leaders and King County developed a framework for creating a more equitable distribution of open space throughout King County.
- Equity is to be an overarching theme across the entire Initiative.
- Land protection is a region-wide benefit; the Initiative must ensure these benefits accrue to all residents.
- The equity pillar of the LCI is to "go where needs are the greatest".
The Framework provides the lens through which we can begin the work of reversing inequitable access to health-promoting open space and to being process of addressing historical inequities.
Land protection is a region-wide benefit;
the Initiative must ensure these benefits accrue to all residents

Land Conservation Initiative Equity Framework
King County is committed to fix the historic and unequal lack of investment in public open space across our communities. This will yield dividends for equity in a new and innovative way and advance a smart public health strategy.
As a starting point, the Initiative will invest $160 million in these communities to create a base level of open space infrastructure to bring these neighborhoods up to the level of open space access that other communities enjoy and benefit from today. View map that will help guide where the $160 million would be invested.
Equity compels us to ensure this initial investment is dedicated and targeted to communities with the greatest and most acute needs; it is not meant to be spread like peanut butter across various communities.