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For-hire driver trainings and exam

Access online trainings and exam materials for for-hire drivers.

To obtain a regional for-hire driver's license, you must complete human trafficking trafficking training, a for-hire e-training, and a for-hire exam. The practice exam is optional. Please enter your name in these programs exactly how it shows on your driver's license.

Human trafficking training (required)

The Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Training video will take you approximately 40 minutes to complete. Once you have completed the training, download, print, or screenshot your certificate of completion. Click a button below to view the training in English, Amharic, Chinese, Somali, or Spanish.


Human trafficking training የሰዎች ዝውውር ስልጠና 人口贩运培训 Tababarka ka ganacsiga dadka Capacitación sobre trata de personas

For-hire e-Training (required)

The For-hire eTraining is a self-paced online training to help you prepare for the for-hire driver examination.

We recommend you review the study guide before completing the eTraining.

You will need to enter your email address and state driver license number (see images below) before you begin the training.

Select "next" in the upper right corner to proceed through the sections until the progress bar shows 100% complete. Once you have completed the sessions, you will receive an email confirmation. 


Launch the eTraining

Practice (optional)

The practice exam is not required but it is recommended. You can also review the tips on how to prepare lower on this page.


Launch the practice exam

For-hire exam (required)

The exam is 40 questions on topics such as customer service, vehicle safety, and driver regulations.

You will need to score 80% or greater to pass. Questions may require audio.

You will have 45 minutes to complete the exam. King County will email you your score.


Launch the exam

Tips on how to prepare for the for-hire exam

  • Be prepared. Before taking the exam, you must first review the study material and take the practice exam. Take the time to thoroughly review the material provided.
  • Choose a comfortable location for taking the exam with good lighting and minimal distractions.
  • Make sure to check electronic devices before using them for the eTraining or online examination.
  • View the exam as an opportunity to show how much you've studied and learned.

When logging into the exam

  • Take a moment to read and understand the General Overview and Terms of Agreement before proceeding.
  • Verify your information has been accurately and completely filled out. Failing to do so may result in your score being voided. Please note that successfully passing the for-hire examination requires answering a minimum of 32 out of 40 questions correctly (minimum 80% passing grade).
  • The log-in page requires a driver's license number. Be sure to enter all letters, numbers and special characters.

During the exam

  • Read the directions for the exam and each question carefully.
  • Every question must be answered in order. You will not be allowed to review and/or change your previous answers.
  • Manage your exam time. Don't spend too much time on a single question.
  • Any unanswered exam questions will be counted as an incorrect answer.
  • On difficult questions, eliminate as many incorrect answers as you can, then make an educated guess among those remaining.
  • Don't panic, take a few deep breaths. Change positions to help you relax.