Provider resources
We support people who work with young children in King County by investing in promotion, prevention, and early intervention. This page contains information, opportunities, and resources for individuals and organizations who work with young children and families in King County.

Best Starts Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (open to all in King County)
We support the social and emotional outcomes for babies, young children and their families through supporting the people who work with them, offering learning opportunities that promote understanding of IECMH knowledge and skill building for all P-5 service providers King County.
All IECMH learning opportunities offered are for P-5 providers who, to some capacity, work with or for babies, young children, and their families in King County through a wide range of roles, positions, programs, and services and at no cost to providers or agencies.
For more information, please visit: or email:
Best Starts P-5 Innovation Supports
We provide program focused capacity building supports for BSK P-5 funded partners. A team of consultants, the Innovation Supports Team leads workshops, partner convenings, and individualized follow-up facilitation using the IDEAS Impact Framework™ which supports BSK partners in community-driven program design, development, early implementation and evaluation. This strategy strives to offer a range of approaches to supporting innovative community-designed programs in partnership with other BSK P-5 strategies with the goal of increasing capacities which support program implementation, evaluation, on-going learning and adaptation.
For more information, contact: Hannah Locke, P-5 Innovations Lead:
Best Starts Universal Developmental Screening (UDS)
Developmental screenings are an important part of early learning, health care, and well-being for young children birth through age five. Screenings can help you learn about the strengths, interests, and needs of the children you work with. We offer help, guidance, and materials to early childhood programs that would like to offer screenings.
If you would like to explore adding developmental screening to your early childhood program, contact: Juliette Escobar, Developmental Promotion Lead:
Best Starts Workforce Development (WFD)
We provide training, technical assistance, and peer learning opportunities to build the knowledge and skills of early childhood practitioners in three content areas: racial equity, infant and early childhood mental health, and healthy child development. WFD strengthens the professional development system for early childhood practitioners, including home visitors, child-care providers, doulas, social workers, mental health providers, and others. Public workshops teach practitioners foundational topics, such as healthy child development, and trauma-informed engagement, and racial equity. WFD also invests in mentorship, networking, and technical assistance opportunities focused on Black, Indigenous and people of color participants, and coordinates communities of practice for affinity groups of Best Starts-funded early childhood practitioners.
To learn more about BSK's current professional Workforce Development activities, visit: Best Starts Workshops
Early Supports for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT)
ESIT promotes fair and unbiased outcomes for families with children, from birth to 3 years of age, who have either developmental delays or developmental disabilities.
Eligible families are entitled to individualized and quality developmental services.
These services are in line with the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part C. Services take place at home, childcare, and community settings, and include:
- Family Resources Coordination
- Education
- Speech or motor therapies
ESIT provider meeting
- When: 2nd Monday of even months
- Time: 9:30 am to noon
- Where: Zoom link will differ for each meeting and will be provided to ESIT provider agency leadership
If you have any questions, contact:
Debi Donelan or Liz Espinosa-Snow
ESIT training resources and forms
DDECSD contract requirements - Prenatal to 5
Inter-agency agreement for dually served children 12.18.20 Updates (MISSING LINK)
FAQ 12.18.20 Inter-agency agreement for dually served (MISSING LINK)
Training on Data Entry, DDA Change Form, IAA 12.18.20 (MISSING LINK)
Training on Data Entry, DDA Change Form, IAA 12.18.20 Video
ESIT Extraordinary Expense Form, Instructions, and Policy
ESIT Deaf/Hard of Hearing (DHH) training materials
Related Topics
Interpretation and accessibility services
Developmental Disabilities and Early Childhood Supports team - When you call, say your language in English, such as “Spanish” then say “Interpreter” in English. We will place you on hold while we connect with an interpreter. Call 206-263-0853
King County’s 211 Crisis Connections provides comprehensive information on health and human services in King County, from rent and housing assistance to adult disability supports. Immediate language interpretation is available in more than 155 languages. Call 2-1-1 or 1-800-621-4636 Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm
Washington Relay 711: A person with a hearing loss or speech disability with specialized telecommunication equipment or a person using a standard phone may initiate a call through Washington Relay. Dial 711 to connect with a Communication Assistant, who will dial the requested number and relay the conversation between the two callers. Learn more about all Washington Relay Services and Spanish Relay.