About the Solid Waste Division
The King County Solid Waste Division (SWD) provides garbage transfer, disposal, and recycling services for approximately 1.9 million people. We serve all of King County, except the cities of Seattle and Milton. Our work is guided by King County’s 2019 Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan, which enables us to manage waste locally at the lowest cost and with the least environmental impact.
Who we are |
Advisory committees |
Media |
Solid waste facilities
Find information on our transfer stations, drop boxes, and the Cedar Hills Regional Landfill.

What Do I Do With…?
Find places that accept common materials for recycling, donation, or disposal.
Garbage, recycling, & compost services
Find collection and service information for waste, recycling, and food & yard waste (compost).

Solid waste programs
Learn about SWD’s programs to improve waste prevention, resource recovery, and waste disposal.
Solid waste plans and reports
Learn how SWD plans for current and future waste facilities and services. Find information on our Comprehensive Plan, environmental monitoring, annual reports, and waste studies.