Improvement projects
Find information about construction and improvement projects at Brightwater.

As we do at all of our wastewater treatment facilities, the Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) continuously looks for ways to keep Brightwater efficient and reliable. We design and build projects to:
- Meet updated regulations
- Save energy
- Improve water quality
- Increase capacity for growing communities
- Improve efficiency and reliability
- Repair, replace, or upgrade equipment which has come to the end of its life
Inside the treatment plant, projects help us manage today’s wastewater flows in a treatment system built for the future. Many of these projects help conserve energy while maintaining or even increasing performance. Brightwater engineers and operators continuously scan the plant for energy savings.
These projects range in size from small lighting retrofits to large-scale process improvement projects requiring major construction. For example, in 2019 we completed a project to upgrade key components of the existing membrane aeration system. Aeration is necessary to keep the bacteria that processes wastewater thriving.
Currently, there are many projects underway in the treatment plant to save energy and increase efficiency.
Outside the Brightwater facility on King County’s property, you may see projects to maintain landscaping, trails, public art, and more. Environmental projects help us to manage the landscape and meet permit requirements. WTD landscapes like the Brightwater trails area help to filter stormwater and provide wildlife habitat. After we create or restore landscapes, we monitor them and adapt practices as needed.
Projects in the trails area
Alpha Hill Erosion Control Project
February 2025
Update: We acknowledge that the project’s timeline has shifted. The project team continues working to bring on a contractor for construction. Weather and material availability can also affect project schedules. We’ll send an update once this work is scheduled. Read our latest update about the project in the recent Brightwater email.
The goal of this project is to protect a salmon-bearing stream from the effects of erosion. Alpha Hill, a large landform that towers over the south trails area, is permanently closed to public access. This includes walking, hiking, running, and sledding. Although there are no developed trails up Alpha Hill, informal paths on the steep hillside can send dirt into Little Bear Creek, a home to endangered salmon. This can harm water quality.
Visitors to the Brightwater trails area will soon see a transformation in Alpha Hill. King County’s contractor will install a rock wall and fencing around the base of the hill and plant landscaping such as shrubs and trees on the hill. Alpha Hill’s new look will blend in with the trails area and prevent soil from getting into nearby salmon-bearing streams. The vegetation also filters runoff while providing wildlife habitat and improving drought tolerance.
Construction is expected to begin in 2025 and last approximately three months. To make sure everyone stays safe, King County’s contractor needs to temporarily close a section of trail in the south trails area. Visitors should watch for signs and stay on open trails to protect the surrounding landscape.
Once construction is complete, this project will not change access to the three miles of maintained trails at Brightwater..
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Contact Community Services at 206-296-7432 or with any questions or concerns. Please leave a voicemail with your phone number if you would like a call back.
Los servicios de interpretación y traducción están disponibles sin costo alguno. Comuníquese con los servicios comunitarios a o al llame al 206-296-7432 si tiene preguntas o comentarios. Deje un mensaje de voz con su número de teléfono y su idioma si desea que le regresen la llamada.
Past updates:
- Alpha Hill Project Update: Construction expected to begin in January
- Brightwater News – November 2024
- Construction starting as early as mid-October (Español)
- Alpha Hill closed for restoration; work expected to begin later this year
- Work expected to begin this summer
- Alpha Hill project expected to begin May 2024
- Soil Sampling on Alpha Hill planned for April 10. No trail disruption expected from this work.
- Alpha Hill fact sheet 2023 / Informe del proyecto de Alpha Hill 2023