Road maintenance services in unincorporated King County

Find out how to participate in this successful and rewarding volunteer litter control program.
Emergency and storm response
King County is prepared to respond 24 hours-a-day, seven days-a-week to roadway emergencies.
Flooding response
Learn how Road Services responds to roadway flooding and severe weather.
Pothole repair
Roads provides customer service 24-hours a day, 7 days a week for reporting potholes or roadway defects on unincorporated area King County roads.
Snow and ice response
When snow and ice are expected, see our Winter Weather Response map, find information about winter weather preparedness, and learn about our snow and ice response.
Stormwater disposal
The Renton Decant Station is a regional stormwater disposal facility available for use by public agencies and private companies.
Vegetation control
Road Services annually schedules its roadside Vegetation Control Program for the unincorporated areas of King County.
Report issues on the road
24/7 Road Helpline
Call the 24/7 Road Helpline to report road maintenance and traffic safety issues
Abandoned vehicles
Report abandoned vehicles to the Sheriff's Office
Illegal dumping
Report illegal dumping to the Solid Waste Division