Stormwater disposal

The Renton Decant Station is a regional stormwater disposal facility available for use by public agencies and private companies.
At the station, Road Services manages and treats liquids and solids collected from the cleaning of drainage systems designed to collect stormwater. Stormwater is water from rain or snowmelt that flows off surfaces like the ground, sidewalks or roads into the stormwater system.

Stormwater only at the Renton Decant Facility
Prohibited waste includes, but is not limited to:
- Suspected or obvious contaminated waste
- Waste liquids from solid waste transfer stations
- Waste materials from sites associated with the production or handling of solvents, fuels, PCBs, pesticides, or radioactive materials
- Car wash processed water waste
- Waste liquids or solids from non-King County decant stations
- Waste from cleaning water treatment systems (filters, filter media, etc.)
- Concrete slurry waste
- Waste materials from stormwater drainage systems with known or historic contamination
- Sewage or industrial lift station waste
- Grease trap waste
- Waste materials from sanitary sewer systems or septic systems
Authorization and training
Authorization to use the Renton Decant Station will be given to any governmental agency or private company that completes the King County application process and satisfies all training, billing and insurance requirements and maintains a State of Washington Reseller Permit.
Request an application by calling 206-477-2382.
Training is required for authorized users of the decant station. Each vehicle entering the decant station must have a trained person accompanying the vehicle.
Training occurs at the King County Road Services Division headquarters in Renton and can be scheduled by calling 206-477-2382. Training takes approximately two hours to complete and includes classroom and field sessions. There is no cost for the training.
Billing and insurance requirements
Decant station users must provide a $1,500 cash deposit, which will be used to ensure payment of monthly billings, and may be collected when the amount payable to King County reaches the level of the deposit. If the cash deposit is used to pay delinquent billings, authorization to use the stations will be canceled and use privileges will not be granted unless the deposit level is restored. The deposit will be returned to the applicant when the agreement is canceled and all outstanding claims are satisfied. A waiver to the cash deposit may be granted to public agencies.
Each authorized user shall be required to obtain liability insurance in such amount and in such form as shall be determined by King County. Proof of insurance requires that user submit a Certificate of Liability Insurance and required endorsements. Insurance certificate renewals shall be provided to King County for record-keeping and documentation of continued coverage.
Resellers Permit
Private companies will be required to obtain and maintain a current Resellers Permit from the State of Washington.
Using the Renton Decant Station
Detailed information about use of the Renton Decant Station can be found in the Regional Stormwater Decant Facility Manual:
Regional Stormwater Decant Facility Program Operations and Maintenance Manual (1MB)
Current rates
Entry fee: $81
Storm liquids: Included in the entry fee
Storm solids: $59 per ton
Hours of operation
Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. to 5:30.p.m. Closed holidays.
The Renton Decant Station is located in the Renton Highlands at:
King County Road Services
155 Monroe Avenue NE
Renton, WA 98056-4199
Map (125KB)