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Kids & computers

With the ever-increasing development of computer technology and the increasing number of people who are computer literate, it is much more likely that our children may be victimized or exploited in a computer environment. Today, millions of people around the world communicate anonymously in a virtually uncontrolled electronic world.

Advise your children to observe the following safety rules whenever they are on-line.

  • Never give out any personal information about themselves--particularly real names, addresses, phone number, financial information, etc. to anyone that they meet on computer bulletin boards.
  • Report all electronic harassment and/or abuse to their parents. As parents, you should notify the BBS SYSOP (systems operator) of the problem. If the SYSOP does not give you satisfaction in stopping the abuse, notify the police.
  • Never set up face-to-face meetings with anyone they have met on the BBS. If anyone you meet on-line wants to meet you--tell your parents.
  • Safeguard all credit card and telephone card numbers. Parents should pay for BBS service by money order whenever possible.

What you can do to protect your children

  • Learn about computers.
  • Talk to your kids about their use of the computer and the dangers on-line.
  • Talk to your child about the danger of telling a stranger their name, address, or phone number.
  • Don’t scare your child, but calmly explain the dangers on the internet.
  • Keep track of the sites your child visits. Most kids and teens know how to delete their viewing history. Learn how to circumvent this.
  • Monitor the time your child spends on the internet. Excessive use could indicate a problem.
  • Be involved with your kids in using the computer. This is a great opportunity to spend time with your child.
  • Keep the computer in a common area of your home. Virtually every case where children were involved in computer crimes or were victims of abuse via computer, computers were in the children's room.

Kids: protect yourself!

  • Never give out personal information such as address, telephone number, parents’ work address/telephone number, or the name and location of your school.
  • Never agree to get together with someone you "meet" online. If your parents agree to the meeting, be sure that it is in a public place and bring your parents along.
  • Remember that people online may not be who they say they are.
  • Never send a person your picture.
  • Never give out your Internet password to anyone other you’re your parents.

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