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While you're out and about

The following are some general tips to help you stay safe when you're out and about.

  • Try not to go out alone at night. Avoid unfamiliar areas, if possible.
  • Don't take shortcuts: don't walk in or near alleys, and don't walk on deserted streets.
  • Use caution in parking lots, and don't walk in poorly lighted areas, or dark doorways, or near shrubbery.
  • Don't accept rides from strangers, and don't respond to comments from strangers on the street.
  • Watch your surroundings and be alert for suspicious persons, especially around banks, stores, street, and your car or home.
  • When meeting a new friend, exchange phone numbers only, not addresses. On a first date, let family and friends know where you are going. Consider a daytime meeting rather than a night meeting, for a first date, and meet in a public place.

In your automobile

  • Never pick up hitchhikers.
  • Don't park in the dark.
  • Never allow another vehicle to follow you home.
  • Have your keys in hand so you can open the car door without delay.
  • Always keep your car in gear when stopped at a traffic signal or stop sign, so if threatened in any way, you can quickly drive away.
  • Always check the back seat of your car before getting in.
  • If you stop to aid others, do not get out of the car. Ask what the problem is, and go to the nearest phone and call the police.
  • Always lock your doors while driving. 

Riding the bus or trolley

  • During off hours, ride as near the operator as possible.
  • If you are going to be out late, make sure you have cab fare.
  • If someone on the bus bothers you, change seats and tell the operator.
  • Have your fare or pass ready in hand when boarding the bus.
  • At night, avoid dark and isolated intersections or stops.
  • Look around when getting off the bus or trolley, and be aware of people around you.

While on vacation

  • Use all available locks on the doors and windows in a hotel/motel.
  • Unpack and place your belongings in the closet and dresser and arrange things so you can easily tell if something is missing.
  • Keep a list of all things you brought from home.
  • Lock your suitcases so they cannot be used to carry things out and consider hiding electric travel appliances and other valuable items in your suitcase.
  • Don't leave cash, checks, credit cards, jewelry, vehicle keys, etc. in the room. Take them with you or lock them in the hotel or motel safe.
  • Report any lost or stolen items to the hotel or motel management as well as to the police.

If you are attacked

  • Use common sense.
  • Distract or divert the assailant, then flee. Run toward an open business or a group of people.
  • Scream loudly, and keep it up to attract attention and help from people near by.
  • Notify the police immediately. If there are witnesses, ask them to stay until police arrive. Tell the police what you know. No fact is too trivial.

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