Murray Wet Weather Facility
King County completed construction on an underground storage tank (Murray Wet Weather Facility) near the Murray Pump Station in West Seattle. The tank is designed to contain up to 1-million gallons of stormwater and wastewater during heavy rains, which will protect public health and the environment by controlling combined sewer overflows that occur near Lowman Beach Park.
Completed Spring 2017
Community celebration and facility tours -- June 10th
Thanks for joining the King County WTD to celebrate the completion of the Murray CSO Control Project on June 10! We would like to thank community members and project neighbors for their patience and understanding during construction.
Project description
King County built a million-gallon underground storage tank across the street from Seattle’s Lowman Beach Park to reduce combined sewer overflows (CSOs). The tank stores excess stormwater and wastewater that would otherwise overflow into Puget Sound when the Murray Pump Station exceeds maximum capacity.
Project schedule
The Murray Wet Weather Facility began operating in November 2016. Project restoration was completed in spring 2017.