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Effective: September 1, 2022

Adult fares (19 to 64 years)

The ORCA card is all you need to pay your fare on buses and trains in the Puget Sound region.
More about ORCA cards

Single ride $2.75

Senior fares (65+ years)

The Regional Reduced Fare Permit (RRFP) entitles senior riders (age 65 or older), to reduced fares on public transportation systems in the Puget Sound region.
More about RRFP

Single ride $1.00

Disabilities or Medicare fares (qualifying disability)

The Regional Reduced Fare Permit (RRFP) entitles riders with a disability and Medicare card holders to reduced fares on public transportation systems in the Puget Sound region.
More about RRFP

Single ride $1.00

Youth fares (0 to 18 years)

Youth are encouraged—but not required—to get a free Youth ORCA card.
Learn more

Unlimited rides FREE

Subsidized annual pass (Eligibility required)

This pass allows qualified riders to travel on select transit in our region for free for up to 12 calendar months, provided eligibility requirements are met.
See if you qualify

Travel on select transit FREE

ORCA LIFT (Income-qualified)

Providing income-qualified individuals with discounted fares for transportation.
See if you qualify

Single ride $1.00

Access Transportation (Eligibility required)

If you have a disability that prevents you from using regular bus service, you can apply for Access.
About Access

Single ride $1.75

Regional day pass

Good for adult fares up to $3.00 when loaded on an ORCA card. For eligible senior, disabled or low income riders, the pass is good for fares up to $1.00.
About day passes

For fares up to $3.00 $6.00/day

For fares up to $1.00 $2.00/day

Vanpool Pass

A combination monthly pass valid for Metro Vanpool riders that provides unlimited rides on Metro buses and $99 towards your Vanpool fare.
About Vanpool

Unlimited rides on Metro $99.00/month


The value will automatically be used to supplement a pass if the fare for a trip is worth more than the pass value.
About E-purse

Value stored on an ORCA card $5.00 – $400.00

Monthly PugetPass

A regional transit pass valid for unlimited rides in the valid month. The fare value is held on an ORCA card.
About PugetPass

Unlimited rides See cost

Metro paper transfers

Paper transfers are accepted only on Metro buses when paying with cash. This provides a two hour transfer window.

When you pay cash FREE

About regional day passes

Enjoy unlimited rides per day on the region's transit services with the ORCA regional day pass.

  • ORCA regional day passes can be purchased at ORCA vending machines, online at or via the MyORCA app for iPhone or Android.
  • Starts with first use and ends at 3 am the next day.
  • Accepted for regular service on public buses, trains, streetcars, and water taxis throughout the Central Puget Sound region.
  • Not valid on King County Metro Access, paratransit services, Kitsap Fast Ferries, or Washington State Ferries. Not available for Autoload.
  • Fares covered with the regional day pass:
    • Adult $3.50
    • RRFP $1.75
    • ORCA LIFT $1.75
  • If your regional day pass does not cover your entire transit fare, you will need to pay the difference with your ORCA card’s E-purse funds. On a bus, fare differences cannot be paid with cash. Keep money loaded onto your E-purse at all times to avoid a negative balance and possible blocked card.
  • ORCA cards are not included in the Day Pass price. Adult ORCA cards cost $3. ORCA RRFP cards are initially issued at no fee to senior riders (age 65+) and riders with disabilities.

About E-purse

You can add $5 to $400 onto an ORCA card's E-purse (electronic purse), which works just like a pre-paid debit card. The ORCA tracks your rides and deducts the correct fare each time you tap. When your E-purse balance gets low, simply add value online, at a kiosk, or in person at an ORCA customer service office.

How to add money to your ORCA card E-purse

About PugetPass

Monthly passes are convenient and cost-efficient for frequent riders. These passes are valid for an unlimited number of trips during a calendar month, up to a certain fare value. You can have E-purse funds and a monthly pass on the same ORCA card at the same time—add E-purse to fund any additional fares beyond what your monthly pass covers.

The cost

Trip value Pass total cost per month
$0.50 $18.00
$0.75 $27.00
$1.00 $36.00
$1.25 $45.00
$1.75 $63.00
$2.00 $72.00
$2.25 $81.00
$2.50 $90.00
$2.75 $99.00
$3.00 $108.00
$3.25 $117.00
$3.50 $126.00
$3.75 $135.00
$4.00 $144.00
$4.25 $153.00
$4.50 $162.00
$4.75 $171.00
$5.00 $180.00
$5.25 $189.00