Maleng Regional Justice Center

Inside the Maleng Regional Justice Center are the Superior Court and District Court serving south King County.
Find service and contact info by downloading the MRJC brochure (393KB)
How to get there
Take a bus with King County Metro's Online Trip Planner
Or use your preferred driving directions application to direct you to
401 Fourth Avenue North
Kent, WA 98032
Parking information
Free vehicle parking is available in a parking garage on the Maleng Regional Justice Center property. Parking is limited and the garage often fills by 8:30 am. When the garage is full, overflow parking is available at the ShoWare Center located on James Street directly across from the entrance to our parking garage.
Bicycle Parking
We have limited bicycle parking for about 8 bikes available on the second level of the MRJC parking garage. A similar setup also is available on the Fourth Avenue side of the facility.
Handicap-designated parking stalls are reserved on the first and second floors of the parking garage.
Once inside, courtrooms are equipped with wheelchair lifts for the bench and witness boxes and jury boxes are wheelchair accessible.
Ask for a specific accommodation by completing a Request for Reasonable Accommodation form (53KB)
When you arrive
Security screening
You will pass through a security screening station as you enter the courthouse.
Learn about the items prohibited from King County court facilities (63KB)
Watch a video describing security screening at courthouse entryways
A coffee bar is located near the first floor entrance to the Courts Building, and vending machines are available on the first floor and in the second floor jury assembly room.
Courthouse childcare center
The Courthouse Drop-In Childcare Center is closed until further notice due to COVID-19.

What to expect
The Childcare Center serves children who are called to testify as victims or witnesses, or whose parents or guardians have business in the court. The center has room for up to 12 children at any one time and serves more than 125 children each month.
Children receive a nutritious snack in the morning and afternoon along with a daily story time. Games, puzzles, blocks, toys, dolls, trucks, books and artwork are available for the children.
The Childcare Center is licensed through the Washington State Department of Early Learning and is operated by Children’s Home Society of Washington (CHSW), which is Washington's oldest and largest statewide organization serving children. (The court provides the space, and CHSW provides the staff.) CHSW has extensive experience working with children who may be experiencing stress as a result of family strife.
When the Center opened in 1997, it was the first and only court-based childcare center in the Pacific Northwest. In 2001, the Center was renamed the ‘Jon and Bobbe Bridge Childcare Center’ to recognize the charitable work of Jon and Bobbe Bridge. Justice Bridge was instrumental in establishing the Center when she served as Superior Court’s Presiding judge, and she and her husband provided critical funding in the Center's early years.
The Center also receives support from Superior Court jurors, who are invited to donate their $10 per diem to the Center. A significant number of jurors accept this invitation. Annual juror donations, together with other private contributions, now fully support the Center.