- A
- Bail
- Ballot drop boxes
- Basin Stewards
- Bed bugs
- Behavioral health and recovery
- Best Starts for Kids
- Birth certificates
- Board of Ethics
- Boards and commissions
- Boeing Field
- Boundary Review Board
- Brightwater facility rental
- Building and fire codes
- Building and land use inspections
- Burn bans
- Bus alerts and services advisories
- Bus routes
- Business development and contract compliance
- Business licenses
- Calendars - Superior Court
- Capacity charge, Sewer treatment
- Car, truck, and boat licenses
- Careers
- Certificates, Birth
- Certificates, Death
- Civil Rights Program
- Clerk of the Council
- Clerk's office - Superior Court
- Climate
- Combined sewer overflow status
- Commercial property taxes
- Community and Human Services
- Community corrections
- Concealed pistol license
- Councilmembers and districts
- County Code
- County Council
- County Executive
- Court, District
- Court, Juvenile
- Court, Superior
- COVID-19
- Crime data, Sheriff's office
- Crisis Services
- Current use taxation
- Customer service
- D
- Economic and Financial Analysis
- Elected officials
- Election results
- $name
- Emergency Management office
- Emergency preparedness
- Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
- Energy codes
- Enhanced 911 program
- Environmental Health Services
- Environmental Lab
- Environmental Stewardship
- Equity, Race, and Social Justice, Office of
- eReal Property
- Executive Services
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- Parcel Viewer
- Park & Rides
- Parking/traffic citation (District Court)
- Parks
- Pay bail for someone in jail/detention
- Pay property taxes
- Payments
- Performance, Strategy, and Budget
- Permits, Food handler's
- Permits, Building and land use
- Pet adoption
- Pet business permits
- Pet licenses
- Procurement and payables
- Property information (eReal Property)
- Prosecuting Attorney's office
- Public Defense
- Public Health
- R
- Science Services
- Seattle jail
- Sewer treatment capacity charge
- Sewer infiltration and inflow control
- Sheriff's office
- Solid waste facilities
- Stormwater and surface water management
- Strategic Climate Action Plan (SCAP)
- Superior Court
- Superior Court Jury Service
- Swimming at Weyerhaeuser King County Aquatic Center
- T
- V
- W
- Y
- Z