Photo gallery – 2015
Good Eggs Breakfast Meeting January 21, 2015
On January 21, 2015 Washington State Speaker of the House, Representative Frank Chopp, gave local civic leaders an inside look at the challenging 2015 legislative session.
(Left to right: Federal Way Mayor Jim Ferrell, President of Green River Community College Dr. Eileen Ely, Speaker Frank Chopp, and President of Highline Community College Dr. Jack Bermingham.)
Good Eggs Breakfast Meeting February 11, 2015
On February 11, 2015 Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson met with South County leaders and reviewed the role of the Office of Attorney General, and discussed issues including the failure of ticket brokers to deliver purchased Super Bowl tickets and the impact of marijuana saled on local governments.

Good Eggs Breakfast Meeting March 18, 2015
On March 18, 2015 King County Assessor Lloyd Hara discussed property values and the launch of Assessor's new website for property owners to access property tax information quickly at a monthly meeting.
(Left to right: Federal Way Mayor Jim Ferrell, Auburn Deputy Mayor John Holman, King County Assessor Lloyd Hara and Auburn Councilmember Yolanda Trout.)
Good Eggs Breakfast Meeting April 15, 2015
On April 15, 2015 King County Flood District Chair Reagan Dunn discussed support for communities in South King County through the King County Flood District.
(Left to right: Auburn City Councilmember Yolanda Trout, King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn, and Federal Way Mayor Jim Ferrell.)
Receiving the Bill Kyle Service Award
On May 1, 2015 during the Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce's 6th Annual "Recognition of Service" dinner, I was honored to receive the Bill Kyle Service Award given to an elected official whose hard work makes a positive impact on the community.
(Left to right: Cristina Orsini and Bill Kyle's widow Dolores Kyle.)
Boys & Girls Club Fundraising Breakfast
On May 6, 2015 the annual Boys & Girls Club fundraising breakfast hard from Seattle Seahawks' first quarterback, Jim Zorn, and raised over $60,000 for South County kids.
(Left to right: Former Seattle Seahawks Quarterback Jim Zorn with players and coaches from the Auburn High School football team, the Auburn Mountainview High School football team, and the Thomas Jefferson High School football team.)
(Left to right: Seattle Seahawks Quarterback Jim Zorn with players and coaches from the Federal Way High School football team, the Todd Beamer High School football team, and the Thomas Jefferson High School football team.)
Good Eggs Breakfast Meeting May 13, 2015
On May 13, 2015 the future of light rail in South King County was the focus of the monthly breakfast meeting. Guests heard from State Senator Joe Fain and Mike Harbour, Deputy Chief Executive Officer/ Acting Director of Sound Transit.
(Left to right: Former Auburn Mayor Pete Lewis, Auburn Deputy Mayor John Holman, Green River Community College President Dr. Eileen Ely, and Sound Transit Deputy Chief Executive Officer/Acting Director Mike Harbour.)
The Lions Club Glasses Donation
On May 26, 2015 in honor of Sharon Darrigan, more than 4,100 unclaimed prescription eye glasses left behind on Metro buses were donated to the Federal Way Lions Club.
(Left to right: Federal Way Lions Club members Roger Hershey, Dick Mayer, Susie Fisher, and Bob Darrigan.)
Annual Flag Day Celebration
On June 13, 2015 I attended the Annual Flag Day Celebration in partnership with the Soroptimists of Federal Way at the King County Aquatic Center honoring US Army Brigadier General (Retired) Doug Richardson, who also gave a keynote address and recognized General Nam Pyo Park, ROK Army, for his service.
(Left to right: US Army Staff Sergeant Brent Workman, General Nam Pyo Park (Retired) ROK Army, US Army First Sergeant Robert Tetu, and Dough Richardson (Retired) Brigadier General Army Reserve.)
Good Eggs Breakfast Meeting June 17, 2015
On June 17, 2015 King County Sheriff John Urquhart provided an update on issues facing the Sheriff's department and law enforcement at the monthly breakfast meeting.
(Left to right: King County Sheriff John Urquhart, Federal Way Deputy Mayor Jeanne Burbidge, and Wild Waves CEO Jeff Stock.)
"Pete von Reichbauer Way South"
On June 20, 2015 a portion of 20th Avenue South was renamed "Pete von Reichbauer Way South" during Federal Way's 25th Anniversary Celebration.
Council Recognizes the Late WSU President Elson Floyd
On July 6, 2015 I presented Washington State University representatives with the Council's recognition honoring the late President Elson Floyd.
(Left to right: (Back Row) King County Councilmembers Rod Dembowski, Dave Upthegrove, Reagan Dunn, Jane Hague, Joe McDermott, and Larry Phillips. (Front Row) WSU Regent Ron Sims; WSU Vice President of Government Relations, Colleen Kerr; Councilmember Kathy Lambert, and Washington State Lobbyist, Rob Makin.)
Council Celebrates 25th Anniversary of Disability Awareness Month
On October 12, 2015 the Council celebrated the 25th Anniversary of October as Disability Awareness Month.
Good Eggs Breakfast Meeting October 21, 2015
On October 21, 2015 local leaders discussed Metro's vision for future transportation needs along with an update on current projects in South King County with Department of Transportation Metro Division Manager Kevin Desmond.
(Left to right: City of Auburn Mayor Nancy Backus, Department of Transportation Metro Division General Manager Kevin Desmond, and City of federal Way Mayor Jim Ferrell.)
Council Recognizes Green River College's "Golden Anniversary"
On November 9, 2015 Metropolitan King County Council recognized Green River College's "Golden Anniversary".
Good Eggs Breakfast Meeting November 18, 2015
On November 18, 2015 the McCleary decision, higher education funding, and transportation projects were among the topics of discussion with Senate Majority Leader Senator Joe Fain and Representative Pat Sullivan, both of the 47th Legislative District.
(Left to right: Senate Majority Leader Senator Joe Fain, Federal Way City Councilmember Kelly Maloney, House Majority Leader Representative Pat Sullivan, and Auburn City Councilmember Bill Peloza.)