Individual Employment and Community Inclusion services
Individual Employment and Community Inclusion are a comprehensive set of services available to DDA-eligible individuals to gain and maintain integrated competitive employment at minimum wage or better, and/or to participate in the community-based activities that align with an individual’s interests, strengths, and skills.
Services include Individual Employment, Community Inclusion, and School to Work programs.DDA-eligible individuals may request to receive employment and community inclusion services simultaneously.

Types of services
Individual Employment
Employment services provide individuals with opportunities to explore employment options and participate in activities that help them discover and identify work preferences, skills and abilities. Supports may also include Community-Based Assessment; a time-limited work experience in a real job environment to identify skills, interests and supports that need to be considered and addressed in a vocational plan and/or volunteer opportunities. Services are tailored to individual needs, interests, abilities, and promote career development.
These services are for:
- Clients receiving Home and Community Based Waivers (HCBS) with DDA and/or enrolled in a School-to-Work transition program
- Clients enrolled into services from a contracted provider Service Provider List
- Clients who want to work
School to Work
The King County School-to-Work Program (S2W) connects students with developmental disabilities to employment services early, while students are still in their high school transition programs. S2W has the motto “Jobs by June” with the goal that all students obtain paid employment prior to exiting their high school transition programs, the year they turn 21.
Community Inclusion
Community Inclusion is an individualized service that provides access to community-based activities that help build social connections and relationships, while learning, practicing and applying skills that promote greater independence and inclusion in their community.
Additional information
- King County Developmental Disabilities and Early Childhood Supports Division or phone 206-263-0853
- Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, Developmental Disabilities Administration or phone 206-568-5700
- Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation or phone 206-721-7300
- Social Security Administration or phone 1-800-772-1213
Interpretation and accessibility services
Developmental Disabilities and Early Childhood Supports team - When you call, say your language in English, such as “Spanish” then say “Interpreter” in English. We will place you on hold while we connect with an interpreter. Call 206-263-0853
King County’s 211 Crisis Connections provides comprehensive information on health and human services in King County, from rent and housing assistance to adult disability supports. Immediate language interpretation is available in more than 155 languages. Call 2-1-1 or 1-800-621-4636 Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm
Washington Relay 711: A person with a hearing loss or speech disability with specialized telecommunication equipment or a person using a standard phone may initiate a call through Washington Relay. Dial 711 to connect with a Communication Assistant, who will dial the requested number and relay the conversation between the two callers. Learn more about all Washington Relay Services and Spanish Relay.