Regulated weeds projects
King County landowners are required to control a subset of noxious weeds that have been legally selected for regulation on properties that they manage. The Regulated Weeds team of specialists' coordinate, manage, and fulfill the controls of these select weeds on a regional basis within King County.
What is a regulated weed?
Regulated Weeds are selected weeds from the official Noxious Weed List that are required for control by landowners by the Washington State Noxious Weed Law, Chapter 17.10 RCW. These are the less widespread weeds that we as a state still have the chance to eradicate (all Class A’s) or reduce spread and impact (select Class B’s and C’s).
Regulated weed control in King County
King County residents — if you have a regulated weed on your property or wish to report a regulated weed elsewhere, email us with the closest address and clear photos at This Program does not have the legal jurisdiction to physically address non-regulated weeds (i.e. blackberry, ivy, scotch broom), but offers free educational materials and guidance on all listed noxious weeds.
The King County Noxious Weed Control Program monitors and manages the control of regulated weeds with the help of landowner cooperation and stewardship. Regulated weeds are managed by Program specialists on a regional basis within the county. Learn more about how the Program’s regulated weed control team operates below.
Geographic Weed Regions
The Program divides the county into 8 regions. There is one specialist per region responsible for the management and control of the regulated weeds in their respective region. Additional specialists are responsible for specific areas within all regions including county lands, state and federal lands, and water bodies containing aquatic noxious weeds. Seasonal staff are hired to support the field team during the busier season (from around April through October). Work along the rivers is fulfilled by our riparian team.
Region 1

Region 2

Region 3

Region 4

Region 5

Region 6

Region 7

Region 8

Select public lands and aquatic weeds
Three additional specialists are responsible for the regulated weeds found on County lands, State, Federal, and Port lands, and aquatic weed infestations (ponds, lakes, etc.) throughout the entire county. They work in cooperation with land managers and the appropriate regional specialists noted in the section above.