Quartermaster Harbor Nitrogen Management Study
The Quartermaster Harbor Nitrogen Management Study and Report was completed in 2014. The report summarizes freshwater (groundwater and surface water) inputs to Quartermaster Harbor, marine water quality, and sources of nitrogen. It also provides recommendations for future studies to address management challenges.
The expected long term outcomes were improved water quality management policies in the King County Comprehensive Plan and the protection and enhancement of water quality in Quartermaster Harbor. In addition, the effect of human inputs of nitrogen on dissolved oxygen levels in Puget Sound, including Hood Canal and shallow bays like Quartermaster Harbor, have been the subject of research and policy development for almost four decades. This study contributes to that body of knowledge.
Quartermaster Harbor Nitrogen Management Study: Final Study Report (6781 KB)
In 2008, Region 10 of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awarded King County a West Coast Estuaries Initiative (WEI) grant to conduct the Quartermaster Harbor Nitrogen Management Study, which was funded through the end of 2013.
King County partnered on this grant-funded study with staff from the University of Washington-Tacoma (UWT) and the Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology).
Study Area

Project documents
Technical reports
Project reports and QAPPs
Hydrodynamic Model Report: Quartermaster Harbor Nitrogen Management Study (4757 KB)
This report describes the development of a hydrodynamic model. The model predicts instantaneous flushing times for the inner harbor that vary from 20 to over 100 days.
Nearshore Freshwater Inflows Assessment (1187 KB)
The Nearshore Freshwater Inputs Assessment was conducted to identify small previously unmonitored streams and pipes discharging to Quartermaster Harbor that might have relatively high nitrate concentrations.
Quartermaster Harbor Benthic Flux Study (3210 KB)
The report documents the results of an in situ study of nutrient fluxes from the sediments in Quartermaster Harbor.
Mileta Creek Nitrogen Source Tracking Study (1001 KB)
This report was conducted to identify locations on Mileta Creek where nitrate concentration become elevated in winter.
Nutrient Loading to Quartermaster Harbor (1011 KB)
This report documents available data sources and methods that were used to develop initial estimates of nutrient loading to Quartermaster Harbor from the atmosphere, tributary streams, nearshore septic systems, submarine groundwater, and harbor sediments.
Nearshore Freshwater Assessment QAPP (1066 KB)
This Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) overall goal is to assess the nitrogen concentrations of surface inflows of freshwater into Quartermaster Harbor.
Benthic flux QAPP (4322 KB)
This Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) overall goal is to measure benthic fluxes of dissolved oxygen and nutrients in situ in Quartermaster Harbor during critical conditions for dissolved oxygen in Quartermaster Harbor for use in water quality model calibration and testing.
Mileta Creek QAPP (1155 KB)
This study is designed to identify locations on Mileta Creek where nitrate concentrations become elevated in winter. The expected outcome of the Mileta Creek nitrogen source tracing study is a better understanding of the location and potential causes of elevated winter nitrate concentrations.
Modeling QAPP (448 KB)
The Modeling Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) overall goal is to determine how nitrogen from a variety of sources affects dissolved oxygen levels in Quartermaster Harbor. This Quartermaster Harbor Nitrogen Management Study report outlines the general approach to this modeling effort and the model selection process.
Marine Hydrodynamic Study QAPP (1348 KB)
The Quartermaster Harbor Marine Hydrodynamic Study Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) outlines how this study will collect profiles of current velocity and direction in Quartermaster Harbor over a complete lunar tidal cycle during critical conditions in Quartermaster Harbor for hydrodynamic model calibration and testing.
QMH Nitrogen Management Study 2009 QAPP (1748 KB)
The Quartermaster Harbor (QMH) Nitrogen Management Study Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) provides an overall of all project activities 2009-2012. This study will be monitoring precipitation, stream gauging, water quality and water quantity data within the Quartermaster Harbor drainage area to assess potential impacts to the harbor. Approved by US EPA in May 2009.
Quartermaster Harbor Nitrogen Management Study: Final Study Report (6781 KB)
This final study report summarizes freshwater (groundwater and surface water) inputs to Quartermaster Harbor, marine water quality and sources of nitrogen. It also provides recommendations for future studies to address management challenges.
Quartermaster Harbor Marine Water Quality Data Report 2007-2011 (17502 KB)
This report presents the marine water quality monitoring data collected as part of the Quartermaster Harbor Nitrogen Management Study and provides an overview of the findings. Quartermaster Harbor is a biologically-driven system with phytoplankton dynamics having a considerable influence on nutrient and DO levels.
Vashon-Maury Island Water Resources - A Retrospective of Contributions & Highlights (9101 KB)
This report summarizes precipitation, stream flow and groundwater monitoring results and activities on the Island since the 1980‘s. In addition, a section is dedicated to summarizing key challenges in moving forward with maintaining the water resources on the Island.
Presentations and posters
2011 Salish Sea Conference QMH Presentation (2550 KB) of the Quartermaster Harbor Nitrogen Management Study given at the Salish Sea Conference on October 25, 2011.
2011 Salish Sea Conference QMH Presentation (2465 KB) of Water Properties in Quartermaster Harbor Focus on Nitrogen, Oxygen & Phytoplankton. Talk given at the Salish Sea Conference in October 2011.
QMH Phytoplankton Poster done by University of Washington - Tacoma staff of Spatial and Temporal Trends in Quartermaster Harbor Phytoplankton presented at the Salish Sea Conference in October 2011.
Vashon 2011 HS Presentation (7790 KB) of the Quartermaster Harbor Nitrogen Management Study given at the Vashon High School on October 12, 2011.
Vashon 2010 HS Presentation - part 1 (4357 KB) of the Quartermaster Harbor Nitrogen Management Study given at the Vashon High School on October 6, 2010.
Vashon 2010 HS Presentation - part 2 (5086 KB) University of Washington-Tacoma Researchers portion of the presentation.
Animations from the 2010 presentations
Underwater video of Benthic flux chamber (73 MB)
Model simulations of flow in Quartermaster Harbor (2.6 MB)