Infrastructure Improvements

The 2020-2025 King County Parks, Recreation, Trails and Open Space Levy funds a number of projects to repair and renovate existing facilities and infrastructure within properties owned by King County Parks:
- Dockton Park: The existing aging dock facility has significant priority needs for replacement of dock components. Improvements will be done over two phases:
- Phase 1: updates to the dock including structural cross members, new pump out, waterline work and 14 pile replacements. The project will also study the long-term replacement/reconfiguration/rehabilitation options. 18
- Phase 2: replacing the existing breakwater, installation of new finger piers to replace the finger piers previously removed and replace existing creosote-treated pilings supporting the pier and finger piers with galvanized and epoxy-coated steel pilings.
- Five Mile Lake Park: This program will contribute to park improvements at Five Mile Lake Park including improvements to the parking area, walking paths, and restrooms.
- Preston Mill Park: This is a capital project in partnership with Mountains to Sound Greenway which includes two phases of development:
- Phase 1: pathway to the Preston Community Center, a restroom, installation of utilities (septic/power/water), a paved parking lot, and stormwater infrastructure.
- Phase 2: installation of a picnic shelter, a mill shed, and a kiln building.
- Little Lake Forest Trailhead: The project includes constructing a new parking lot on a 5.1 acre parcel in unincorporated King County approximately 1 quarter mile from the City of Enumclaw’s urban growth boundary. The new parking lot is on a parcel that can serve as a formal public access point for the adjacent, County-owned 155-acre Little Lake Forest. The County property has an existing road to Little Lake and trails through a dense forest.
- Marymoor Park: This project funds priority and emergent projects to address priority capital rehabilitation needs, major maintenance, repair and safety needs at Marymoor Park. The planned asset improvement projects funded by this appropriation at Marymoor Park includes a covered equipment shelter and installation of ball protection measures for the playground that is located adjacent to ballfields #1 and #2.
- Skyway Park: This project includes improvements over multiple phases throughout the 2020-2025 levy:
- Phase 1: installing a new playground, new mini-mod soccer fields, sports courting rehabilitation and added lighting, solar safety lights, pathway additions/improvements, improvements for ADA, and new fencing.
- Upcoming phases: tree planting, 2 Portland loos (restrooms), and north ballfield fencing upgrades.
- More details on the Skyway Park Project page