Regional Trail Improvements

The 2020-2025 King County Parks, Recreation, Trails and Open Space Levy funds other regional trail improvement activities to build and enhance regional trails within the Leafline Trails Network in King County.
These Capital improvement projects on existing regional trails may include:
- Identify, design, engineer, permit, and implement emergency repairs, major maintenance, and rehabilitation of trails
- Drainage, safety fencing, mitigation monitoring, and landscape maintenance
- Work includes major resurfacing and repairs that exceed normal maintenance and will allow King County to respond to emergency surface repairs or unforeseen trail issues as they occur to ensure trail usability and safety
Project Example:
Interurban Trail South (Kent, Auburn): Funds critical major maintenance improvements within the 14-mile corridor of the Interurban Trail. The specific projects comprise of major maintenance and safety repairs at priority locations along the corridor to ensure trail usability and safety. This also includes planning for typical regional trail standard and safety improvements along the Interurban Trail (South) such as pavement restoration, ADA improvements, intersection improvements, etc.