Preston Snoqualmie Trail

About the Trail
The Preston-Snoqualmie Trail is a paved route through steep terrain within the Mountains to Sound Greenway. Parking can be found at Preston Athletic Fields and Community Park or at the Lake Alice parking lot. From west to east the trail winds its way along the side of the surrounding mountains, bordered by lush green hills, ferns, towering cedars, spruce, and other evergreens.
Once the trail has crossed over Preston-Fall City Road Southeast (use flags and watch for traffic) the trail hops over the Raging River, doubles back on the other side of the road and hits a series of steep, tight switchbacks that replaced the old trestle that carried railcars full of timber over the Raging River and Preston-Fall City Road.
If you park and head eastward from the Lake Alice parking lot the trail continues retracing this historic railroad route with gentle grades ideal for walking, running, and bicycling. The trail goes through moss-covered trees and gentle dips. Once the trees have dropped their leaves in the fall the eastern end rewards visitors with glimpses of Snoqualmie Falls.