Store drugs and alcohol safely at home
Store drugs and alcohol safely at home
Many youth report that home is where they find and try out substances. If you share a home with young people, you can prevent accidental or intentional access.
Take these steps to prevent youth from accessing substances like marijuana, alcohol, medications, cigarettes, and vaping products at home:
Safely store substances
You already store things like cleaning supplies and dangerous tools in a safe place away from kids. Treat substances the same way.
Lock marijuana, alcohol, medications, and cigarettes and vaping products in a cabinet, box, or drawer.

Keep track and dispose
Know the types and amounts of substances you have. Get rid of medications that are no longer needed or expired.
Find a drop-box near you at:

Talk with youth
Help youth make healthy decisions. Talk about substance use and set clear expectations.
Get tips on how to have these conversations at

Download the "Store drugs and alcohol safely at home" poster
Store drugs and alcohol safely at home (728 Kb)
- መድኃኒቶች እና አልኮል ደህንነቱ በተጠበቀ ሁኔታ ቤት ዉስጥ ያስቀምጡ (Amharic, 847 Kb)
- 在家中安全存放药物和酒品 (Chinese, Simplified, 935 Kb)
- Ku keydi daroogada iyo aalkolada guriga si aamin ah (Somali, 819 Kb)
- Almacene las medicinas y el alcohol en un lugar seguro en casa (Spanish, 803 Kb)
- Cất trữ thuốc và đồ uống có cồn tại nhà một cách an toàn (Vietnamese, 791 Kb)