How to submit permits - Building and land use
Online permits with
Most permits offered by the Department of Local Services, Permitting Division (Permitting) are available online. Permit types available through the regional permitting portal, (MBP) are listed below. The permit types available through this portal are being expanded weekly.
Building damage inspection only
- Building Damage Inspection Only
- Clearing and Grading-New or Modification
- Clearing and Grading-Trees or Vegetation Only
- Floodplain Development
Fire and special event permit process - Building and land use
- Fire- Annual Permit-Contractor Fuel Tank Removal
- Fire-Firework Display
- Fire-Nonresidential or Multifamily Alarm System
- Fire-Nonresidential or Multifamily Decommission Storage Tanks
- Fire-Nonresidential or Multifamily New Storage Tanks
- Fire-Nonresidential or Multifamily Other Systems and Equipment
- Fire-Nonresidential or Multifamily Sprinkler System
- Fire-Single Family Residential Decommission Storage Tanks
- Fire-Single Family Residential New Storage Tank
- Fire-Single Family Residential Sprinkler System
- Fire-Special Event
- Land Use-Code Interpretation
- Land Use-Critical Areas Designation
- Land Use-Critical Areas Designation Extension
- Land Use-Land Division-Boundary Line Adjustment
- Land Use-Land Division-Lot Line Elimination
- Land Use-Lot Status
- Land Use-Preapplication Services-Preapplication Meeting
- Land Use-Preapplication Services-Zoning Verification
- Land Use-Shoreline Exemption
- Mechanical-Nonresidential or Multifamily
- Mechanical-Single Family Residential
Wireless Communications Facilities
- Nonresidential-Modification Wireless Communications Facility
- Nonresidential-New Wireless Communications Facility
Structure addition - commercial, non-residential
Tenant Improvement - non-residential
- Non-residential-Tenant Improvement
- Non-residential-Tenant Improvement-Change of Use
Already built construction - preapplication
- Preapplication Services-Already Built Construction
Registered basic
- Registered Basic-Establish a new plan (Licensed contractors only)
- Registered Basic-Site Specific Permit (Licensed contractors only)
Revisions to issued residential building permits
- Residential Building Permit Site Revision
Sign permits
- Sign-All Sign Proposals
- Single Family Residential-Adult Family Home Inspection Only
- Single Family Residential-Demo or Partial Demo
- Single Family Residential-New Accessory Building
- Single Family Residential-New Accessory Dwelling Unit
- Single Family Residential-New Miscellaneous Structure
- Single Family Residential-New Mobile Manufactured Home
- Single Family Residential-New Residence
- Single Family Residential-Structure Remodel or Addition or Repair
Submit your application online
Property research
To better understand your property, do your research early. Check the jurisdiction and zoning to be sure it’s in unincorporated King County and understand what building or land use options you have based on your zoning. Start with our online tools to get the information you need for your application.
Make note of any special conditions on your property, such as...
- Critical areas
- Established clearing limits
- Flood zones
- Historically sensitive areas
- Setback areas
- Shorelines
- Steep slopes
- Total impervious lot coverage
- Wetlands
Confirm your zoning when doing research and understand what building or land use options you have by referencing:
Get all application materials ready for electronic submittal for a complete application package.
- Check submittal requirements and application forms on our Permit forms, applications and resources page.
You can also go through the application steps on After creating an account, selecting your project type and providing location details, a list of required documents for your project and permit type will be provided. You do not need to submit the application until you are ready.
For projects using an on-site sewage (septic) system a copy of the On-Site Sewage Systems (Septic) Permit approval and approved site plan OR a copy of the On-Site Sewage System (Septic) Permit Application submittal may be required for application intake with our Agency. Your application may be considered incomplete if this is not provided at time of application.
Note: Incorrect or incomplete application submittals will not be accepted and will delay your application process.
What to expect
For most permit types you can expect the following after submitting your application online:
- Confirmation email with your application identification number.
- After your application is assigned, your submittal will go through the screening and triage processes. If there is any missing or incorrect information you will be notified at that time through the portal.
- Examination of your submitted plans, by only the required Reviewers.
- Pay fees
- Issuance
- Inspections
Note: Incorrect or incomplete application submittals will not be accepted and will delay your application process.
Watch our video on how to research a property using King County's iMap service
Critical areas?

Looking for more information related to possible critical areas on your property?
Properties served by on-site sewage or septic systems
For all projects involving an on-site sewage (septic) system, our agency requires the submission of certain documents during the application intake process.
Examples include projects such as:
- New installations
- Repairs or replacements
- House or building remodels or expansions
- Subdivisions
- Boundary line adjustments
- Rezones
The required documents include:
- A copy of the approved On-Site Sewage Systems (Septic) Permit and site plan
To avoid any delays, please ensure that all required documents are included at the time of your building application. Your application may be considered incomplete without these documents.
For more information regarding your application requirements with Public Health, please visit or view:
King County Septic System Program
Public Health - Application for Health Department Approval of Building Permit
For permits not available with
For permit types that are not yet available through the portal can still be submitted electronically by e-mail, see below for details on how.
- Addressing Requests
- Critical Areas Alteration Exception
- Critical Areas Exception Reasonable Use
- Drainage Adjustment
- Flood Plain Determination - Elevation Certification
- Engineering Right of Way
- Engineering Site Review
Subdivisions, plats, and short plats
- Final Survey Review - Binding Site
- Final Survey Review - Plat
- Final Survey Review - Short Plat
- Plat
- Short Plat
- Recorded Plat Alteration
- Multifamily Dwelling Units
- New Commercial Construction
- Rezone
- Zoning Variance
- Road Variance
- Shoreline - Substantial Development
- Shoreline Designation
- Shoreline Development Conditional Use Permit
- Special Use
- Temporary Use
Submit applications not on
For application types not available online through, convert all documents and plan sets to PDF format as outlined in the Electronic-Permit-Plan-Requirements.
Check submittal requirements and application forms on our Permit forms, applications and resources page.
Email your completed submittal package to Include your supporting application materials in your email, or for large files please let us know if you wish to transmit your submittal files via a cloud sharing service (DropBox, Google Docs, OneDrive, Adobe Cloud, etc.)
Green building and solar resources
See below for additional information and resources on green building or solar:
At King County, “green building” and “sustainable building” refer to design, construction, and operating practices that significantly reduce a building’s resource consumption and environmental impacts. They achieve these reductions through:
- Sustainable site planning
- Energy efficiency
- Water conservation
- Waste minimization
- Pollution prevention
- Using resource-efficient materials
- Providing enhanced indoor environmental quality for occupants
We encourage the use of green building techniques. The resources linked below will help you make decisions that will save energy and reduce costs.
Green building handbook (complete document)
For information on the King County GreenTools program which helps all King County partners green their built environment while addressing critical environmental issues:
Try the EcoCoolRemodel tool to tour a virtual house for green remodeling tips!
Green home remodeling guides:
For information on construction and demolition recycling:
Helpful information for rural builders, visit GreenTools:
King County Solid Waste Division, Rural green building
For sustainable building information visit:
Natural Resources and Parks: Sustainable building topics
This resource for sustainable building features links to a LEED project task list, project services procurement language guide, policy and code information, case studies and Seattle's CIP Supplements to LEED.
City of Seattle Green Building
American Institute of Architects Seattle Committee on the Environment (COTE) provides resources to design professionals:
For information on sustainable building practices in Washington State, The Department of Ecology provides direct links to organizations, databases, resources, and other information:
WA State Department of Ecology
For links and information on energy, water, materials, waste and the indoor environment:
US Enviornmental Protection Agency (EPA) Green Buildings
Residential green building program of the Master Builders Association developed in partnership with King and Snohomish Counties:
A coalition of the building industry that promotes environmentally responsible, profitable and healthy places to live and work and offers the LEED Green Building Rating System™.
North Highline Urban Design Standards
The North Highline urban design standards implement the vision of North Highline residents for their community’s future as described in the North Highline Subarea Plan. The standards regulate the development of commercial, mixed-use, and multifamily projects, ensuring that they are appropriate to the community in the following ways:
- Development is based on an understanding of the physical and cultural context of the neighborhood and the North Highline subarea
- Development prioritizes compatibility with the existing scale of the neighborhood, walkability, and generous landscaping
- Development results in a streetscape that is attractive and comfortable for moving through the neighborhood and spending time in it, reflects the character of the neighborhood, and supports neighborhood activities and businesses
- Development keeps the neighborhood’s diversity visible and promotes distinctive, unique designs through architectural features, signs, art, landscape, and amenities such as seating, lighting, and ornament
- Stormwater and landscape designs connect the urban environment to the natural systems with designs that are both functional and beautiful