Classroom Transit Education Program
King County Metro Youth Mobility Program’s transit education curriculum introduces students to the basics of riding public transit, safety and how to ride right, and sustainability. These interactive modules are designed to help students in grades 2-12 feel confident riding different modes of transit.
Curriculum materials for each module are available below.
Module 1: Get to Know Metro
Introduce students to the basics of public transit ridership.

Primary Module 1 for grades 2-5
Curriculum packet
PowerPoint presentation
Watch video (5:32)

Secondary Module 1 for grades 6-12
Curriculum packet
PowerPoint presentation
Watch video (6:04)
Module 2: Safety and Riding Right
Introduce students to basic transit safety topics and ridership skills.

Primary Module 2 for grades 2-5
Curriculum packet
PowerPoint presentation
Watch video (5:43)

Secondary Module 2 for grades 6-12
Curriculum packet
PowerPoint presentation
Watch video (6:25)
Module 3: Sustainability and Community Connections
Introduce students to the importance of transit, the impacts of public transportation on climate change, and rider accessibility.

Primary Module 3 for grades 2-5
Curriculum packet
PowerPoint presentation
Watch video (6:50)

Secondary Module 3 for grades 6-12
Curriculum packet
PowerPoint presentation
Watch video (5:33)