About Geoffrey Thomas
Geoffrey Thomas has lived and worked in Western Washington since 1994.

Geoffrey Thomas
In Geoffrey’s earlier career, he worked as a land use and environmental planner for Pacific County, Lewis County, and the City of Redmond. He also worked as a project manager for private residential development and public works projects primarily in Snohomish County. In 2008, Geoffrey moved from planning into legislative analysis with Snohomish County’s Office of the County Council.
With Snohomish County’s Council Office, Geoffrey worked for over 10 years as a senior legislative analyst. His area of focus was on policy and budgetary analysis and development in a number of areas including: law enforcement, corrections, human services, district and superior court, public defense, prosecution, information technologies, fleet, facilities, parks and recreation, land use planning, elections, Snohomish County Airport (Paine Field), and public works. In 2018, Geoffrey was promoted to the Snohomish County Council’s Chief of Staff. In that position, Geoffrey managed the affairs of the Council Office at the direction of the County Council.
Geoffrey began working for the King County Sheriff’s Office as Chief of Staff in 2023. In this role, Geoffrey provides advice, mentoring, and leadership in developing and fulfilling the department’s vision, mission, and goals. Geoffrey’s portfolio of work includes intergovernmental relations between the department and external agencies including cities, intra-governmental relations between the department and King County departments and offices, coordinating on the department’s financial planning, facilitating the Sheriff’s Community Advisory Board, and other similar or emergent areas of work.
Geoffrey has a strong and diverse background in government administration, people and project management, government affairs and relations, policy and budget development, legislative analysis and advocacy, and city/county planning. He brings administrative and policy level experience in law enforcement, the legal and justice system, human services, and other fields related to the Sheriff’s Office.
In his spare time, Geoffrey enjoys spending time with family, cooking, traveling, hiking, and reading.