King County international airport police and firefighters
In 1999, the King County Sheriff’s Office (KCSO) and the King County Department of Transportation entered into a partnership to provide a unique combination of services to the King County International Airport (KCIA).

The KCIA, also referred to as “Boeing Field," wanted the dual roles of policing and fire fighting at the airport to be combined. In a unique agreement, and in departure from traditional policing roles, the KCSO agreed to provide both police and fire fighting services.
Today, KCIA police officers maintain their certification and training as commissioned officers, and also complete aircraft rescue and fire fighting (ARFF) basic training, Washington State Fire Fighter I and II certifications, as well as Emergency Medical Technician certification. At the airport, they perform aircraft rescue and fire fighting, law enforcement, and airport safety inspections. Aircraft rescue and fire fighting involves responding to aircraft emergencies and also includes hazardous fuel spills and structure fires. This duty requires specialized equipment and significant ongoing fire rescue training for all personnel.
To perform the necessary tasks on the airport and access the runways and taxiways, officers have to know Part 139 of the Federal Aviation Administration regulations, and be well versed with airport operations and aircraft nomenclature. In addition to providing general airport security and ensuring that only authorized persons have access to restricted areas, officers also perform arrests and enforce the law within and around the airport for various criminal offenses and traffic violations.
With all the duties and responsibilities that airport officers are tasked with, they serve as part of the safety and security network which keeps aviation one of the safest modes of travel today.
"The Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) unit is highly specialized in the skills of Law enforcement, Firefighting, Emergency Medical Technician and Community Outreach. We are constantly training to meet all of these expectations and services needed by the Airport. We are very proud of the Airport and the part that we play in keeping it safe and in providing safety services to all our customers and travelers, to enhance their aviation experience. As Community Outreach specialists, we are very comfortable giving lectures, tours and training to our Community groups and partners. At ARFF, if we are not training we are doing. If we are not doing, we are training. The ARFF unit is proud of our Sheriff’s Office and the airport team. We enjoy the support of both entities and the role we play in supporting the mutual contract."
- Police/Fire Chief Greg Thomas