City of Newcastle Police Department
The City of Newcastle has roughly 11,000 residents and is bordered by busy Interstate 405 highway on one side, and the Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park on the other.

Newcastle began partnering with the Sheriff's Office in 1999 and is a perfect example of how a small-sized city combines the use of dedicated full-time Newcastle police officers with other services it receives more centrally from the Sheriff's Office--either from the nearby precinct locations, or from specialized central Sheriff's Office units.
With its dedicated full-time officers and detective staff, the Newcastle Police Department offers locally tailored police services and programs such as block watch and vacation house checks. For services such as patrol supervision, Newcastle reduces costs by purchasing shared sergeant services from the precinct, an arrangement managed by Newcastle's chief of police.
"In 2014, I became the City of Newcastle’s first full-time detective. Prior to this, Newcastle purchased shared detective services from the Sheriff's Office Maple Valley Precinct, and I also worked on Newcastle cases then. Now, I can give 100% of my time and energy to Newcastle cases and investigations.
I was eager to join the City of Newcastle team full time. As the department's detective, I am able to work closely with Newcastle's city staff, its police officers, and its residents. I am able to get a better grasp of the problem areas and problem people, and I have the ability to problem-solve the issues.
I like that Newcastle is a growing urban community that still has a small town feel. I love its close-knit community, where neighbors look out after neighbors, and residents are willing to come together in unity for the community. It's nice to work in an area where the residents love to see police in their neighborhoods. For the community's efforts in fighting crime, Newcastle continues to rate one of the 'safest cities' in Washington State according to 'The SafeWise Report.'
Since Newcastle partners with the King County Sheriff’s Office, deputies wanting to work for the city have to apply, interview, and be accepted to be part of the Newcastle Police team. Therefore, Newcastle officers are 'the best of the best,' committed to the residents of Newcastle. Officers are dedicated to community policing, problem solving, and providing exceptional service."
- Christy Marsalisi, Detective, Newcastle Police Department